
Django app which handles requests to your python code

Primary LanguagePython


Django app that handles requests to your python code


Assuming we want to create a service for a catch-the-flag game, using which players can check the correctness of a flag, we should create new API endpoint in Microapi app and choose "raw text" mode for it.

Assuming that our flag is 'secret-key' we can write the following code

# if `storage` is None, then it will be initialized with return value of `init`
def init():
    return 'secret-key'

# return value if `response` will be returned directly to user
# it will be encoded into json if `response` returns dict
def response(request, storage):
    if storage == '':
        return 'flag is caught by another player'
    if request == storage:
        return 'you caught the flag, send it to administrator'
        return 'incorrect flag'

# return value of this function will update existing storage value
def update(request, storage):
    if storage == '' or request != storage:
        return storage
        return ''

# if log returns not a None value, then Microapi will add it to logs
def log(request, storage):
    if storage != '' and request == storage:
        return 'flag is caught!'

Web Interface snippets


User defined code is being evaluated using Restricted Python