
A developer-friendly starter child theme for the Beans framework by Purple Prodigy

Primary LanguageCSS

Purple Prodigy Beans Starter Child Theme for Developers

This is a developer-friendly starter child theme for the Beans framework by Purple Prodigy. It includes Less and is the starting child theme for all projects.


This theme includes the following features:

  • Modular CSS via Less


This child theme requires the following dependencies:


To install this theme, you can download it by clicking on the GitHub download button or clone the repository.

  1. Navigate to the wp-content/themes folder of your project.
  2. Type in terminal: git clone https://github.com/purpleprodigy/pp-beans-starter.git.
  3. Log in to your WordPress website and navigate to Themes in your dashboard. Make sure you already have Beans installed, if you don't, please go here.


All feedback, bug reports and pull requests are welcome.