这是一份关于《Speech and Language Processing》Third Edition draft的学习笔记(思维导图形式)



章节 章节名 幻灯片 与第2版的关联 思维导图
1: Introduction [Ch. 1 in 2nd ed.]
2: Regular Expressions, Text Normalization, and Edit Distance Text [pptx][pdf] Edit Distance [pptx][pdf] [Ch. 2 and parts of Ch. 3 in 2nd ed.] 2_Historical Notes 2_Minimum Edit Distance 2_Regular Expressions 2_Text Normalization
3: Language Modeling with N-Grams LM [pptx] [pdf] [Ch. 4 in 2nd ed.] 4_Language Models(LMs)
4: Naive Bayes Classification and Sentiment NB [pptx] [pdf] Sentiment [pptx] [pdf] [new in this edition] 6_Naive Bayes
5: Logistic Regression 7_Logistic Regression
6: Vector Semantics Vector1 [pptx] [pdf] Vector2 [pptx] [pdf]
7: Neural Nets and Neural Language Models 8_Neural Networks and Neural Language Models
8: Part-of-Speech Tagging [Ch. 5 in 2nd ed.]
9: Neural Sequence Modeling: RNNs and LSTMs
10: Formal Grammars of English [Ch. 12 in 2nd ed.]
11: Syntactic Parsing [Ch. 13 in 2nd ed.]
12: Statistical Parsing [Ch. 14 in 2nd ed.]
13: Dependency Parsing [new in this edition]
14: The Representation of Sentence Meaning
15: Computational Semantics
16: Semantic Parsing
17: Information Extraction [Ch. 22 in 2nd ed.]
18: Semantic Role Labeling and Argument Structure SRL [pptx] [pdf] Select [pptx] [pdf] [expanded from parts of Ch. 19 and 20 in 2nd ed.]
19: Computing with Word Senses: WSD and WordNet Intro, Sim [pptx] [pdf] WSD [pptx] [pdf] [expanded from parts of Ch. 19 and 20 in 2nd ed.]
20: Lexicons for Sentiment and Affect Extraction SentLex [pptx] [pdf] [new in this edition]
21: Coreference Resolution and Entity Linking
22: Discourse Coherence
23: Seq2seq Models and Machine Translation
24: Question Answering [expanded from parts of Chapter 23 in the second edition]
25: Dialog Systems and Chatbots Dialog [pptx] [pdf] [expanded from Chapter 24 in the second edition]
26: Advanced Dialog Systems [expanded from Chapter 24 in the second edition]
27: Speech Recognition
27: Speech Synthesis
A: Hidden Markov Models