
• Received accolades for developing a full stack application for farmers, enabling their connection with NGOs for selling crops. Implemented features such as multiple user logins, payment gateway integration, farmer’s dashboard, and a streamlined checkout process. Utilized Redux Thunk for efficient state management and temporary data storage.

Primary LanguageCSS

Theme of our project

Open Innovation

Note on APIs Keys usage

Email hellomohitsangwan@gmail.com for the API keys in .env files.


secrets file

Place the .env file in the root folder

Install Dependencies

npm i
cd frontend
npm i
cd ..


npm run dev


Farmitra is a combination of the English words "farm" and "mitra" in Hindi. We operate as a farmer's buddy, as the name implies. Farmers play an important role in both providing the essentials for all of our food needs and transforming the agricultural environment. Farmers ensure the long-term viability of the entire flora and fauna by controlling farming techniques. Agriculture now covers one-third of the planet's land area. It is the most important activity for a large portion of the world's population, as it provides food for people all over the world. They safeguard the farm produce from the moment it is planted until it reaches the market. Because of their efforts, the majority of us have food on our tables every day. It's disheartening to see their hard work and harvests go to waste because they don't obtain enough customer in a timely manner. Farmers devote a lot of work, time and money in cultivating these products, and it becomes particularly tough for them when they don't get adequate returns as sometimes there is no suitable market. They're even driven into circumstances where they're forced to commit suicide. We constantly come across these type of news. Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Narendra Singh Tomar told the Lok Sabha on November 30, 2021, that 5,579 Indian farmers committed suicide in 2020. Suicides committed as a result of rotting crops owing to a lack of sales accounted for a significant portion of this total.

The main motto behind our portal is "Hardwork should be paid off".

What it does

Farmitra is the answer to this conundrum. We offer a platform for farmers to connect with other organisations and sell their crops. We are primarily interested in connecting farmers with non-governmental organisations (NGOs)because NGOs can play an important role in purchasing unsold crops from these farmers and distributing them to the less fortunate. This model is similar to the one in which NGOs collect leftover food from restaurants and distribute it to the less fortunate. We are addressing the problem of farmers while also delivering food to those in need in this way. It's like if there's a scarcity of some materials in one location, and those resources are so plentiful in another that they're rotting; we operate as a channel and attempt to keep things in balance.

How we built it

We aim to make it easier for farmers to sell their crops by simplifying the process of selling crops.The backend is developed using Node.js and Express framework and powered by superior quality design, to intrigue users. The frontend is made using React framework providing state of the art UI. We have tried to keep the UI/UX transitions as much smooth and user friendly as possible. Thus, we developed a multi user framework and multi user web application, one for the NGOs and another for the farmers. Now coming to the farmers, it allows facilities to upload items , and add the categories they want to put it under. A simple dashboard to track their sales and orders and other minor details. The application is wrapped end to end by integrating a Razor Pay payment facility.

Tech Stack

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • React
  • Mongo DB

What's next for Farmitra

  • Create a chatbot to give our farmers faster and easier access.
  • Integration of local languages into our product and expansion of our product to a number of additional local food wholesalers for a better user experience and wider reach.
  • Include a voice-activated assistant to help you navigate the entire app.
  • A specialised news section where farmers may find out about the latest farming news.

Screen Shot(s)



