
EC2 Auto Scaling Instance Refresh solution to update an Auto Scaling group when a new AMI is created by EC2 Image Builder (using an amiTag from the pipeline for ASG name)

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

EC2 Auto Scaling groups Instance Refresh (amiTag) solution

Table of contents

General info

These are step-by-step instructions on how to automatically update the AMI ID inside an Auto Scalig Group with an EC2 Image Builder generated one. The goal is to have one function responsible for updating all desired ASG's instead of a function for each ASG separately (and because I was unsuccesfull with the original solution provided by aws-samples). For this purpose we will use an amiTag set in the EC2 Image Builder pipeline instead of a environment variable from within Lambda function.

This solution is building on "Sample EC2 Auto Scaling groups Instance Refresh solution" by aws-samples.

Step 1: Create a IAM role for EC2 Image Builder

First of all we need to create a IAM role for our Image Builder pipeline. For that navigate to IAM in your AWS Console and under Access management on the left panel select "Roles" click "Create role" button.

After being taken to the next screen select: "AWS service" and "EC2", and click the "Next: Permissions" button at the bottom of the page.

Here we will need to add the following policies:

  • AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore
  • EC2InstanceProfileForImageBuilder

Now click "Next: Tags" and again click "Next: Review" on the bottom of the page.

Here we will have to provide a name for our role (we'll use imagebuilder_pipeline_role). Click the "Create role" button at the bottom of the page.

Search for the role we just created in "Roles" and click on it. Now we can add additional permissions that are still needed. To do that click on "Add inline policy" on the right of the "Permissions" tab. On the next page select JSON and paste the following:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:ListBucket",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::gitlab-ansible"
            "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::gitlab-ansible/*"

Now click the "Review policy" button at the bottom of the page.

Give the policy a name (we'll use image_builder_s3-readonly-access), and create the policy by clicking "Create policy" button at the bottom of the page.

Congratulations! You have now succesfully created a role for your EC2 Image Builder pipeline. Let's continue.

Step 2: Create a IAM role for Lambda

We also need to create the role for the Lambda function to be able to update the Auto Scaling group. The process is quite similiar to what we did in when we created a role for EC2 Image Builder.

Navigate to IAM in youe AWS Console and under Access management on the left panel select "Roles" click "Create role" button.

After being taken to the next screen select "AWS service" and "Lambda", and click the "Next: Permissions" button at the bottom of the page.

Here you will need to add the following policy:

  • AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole

Now click "Next: Tags" button and again click "Next: Review" on the bottom of the page.

Here you will have to provide a name for your role (we'll use lambda_function_refresh_ami). Click the "Create role" button at the bottom of the screen.

Search for the role you just created and click on it. Now you can add additional permissions that are still needed. To do that click on "Add inline policy" on the right of the "Permissions" tab. On the next page select JSON and paste the following:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Sid": "VisualEditor2",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "logs:CreateLogStream",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:logs:*:*:log-group:*"

Now click the "Review policy" button at the bottom of the page.

Give the policy a name (we'll use lambda_asg-refresh_ami), and create the policy by clicking "Create policy" button at the bottom of the page.

Congratulations! You have now succesfully created a role for your Lambda function. Let's continue.

Step 3: Create an SNS topic

In your AWS console navigate to SNS and choose "Topics" from the left panel. Click the "Create topic" button. Give it a name (we'll use image_builder-to-lambda), and click "Create topic" button at the bottom of the page.

Congratulations! You have now succesfully created an SNS topic for your setup. Don't worry about a subscription, we'll do it later. Let's continue.

Step 4: Create your pipeline and run it for the first time

Now we need to set a pipeline and run it for the first time to get a new AMI ID. To do that navigate to EC2 Image builder. Here you can create your pipeline that will be creating your "golden image" for your Auto Scaling group.

Click the "Create image pipeline" button. On the next page select a Linux/Windows distribution you want to use and under "Select image" choose "Select managed images". Here you can choose the distribution version you wish to use. After selecting the image tick the "Always build latest version." box (may be ommited if your setup does not allow it for some reason, but you will be missing out on some security patches for your OS).

Now we have to add at least one component to our image pipeline. Let's quickly create one (if you don't have a valid one already). For that click "Create build component". On the page you were taken to fill out the following:

  • Component name = "Update_OS"
  • Component version = 1.0.0
  • Content = remove whatever was there and replace it with:
name: 'Update_OS'
description: 'This component updates the OS'
schemaVersion: 1.0
  - name: build
      - name: UpdateOS
        action: UpdateOS

... and click "Create component" button at the bottom of the page.

Now close this window and return to the one where we were configuring the pipeline in (if you closed it for some reason, you will have to restart this step and instead of creating a new component we are going to select the one we have created a moment ago).

You can now add your component to the build by clicking "Browse build components", selecting "Owned by me" instead of "Amazon owned", and selecting the desired component (in our case Update_OS ver. 1.0.0).

If you have a valid test you can use, please add it in the "Test" area. For this example we will not be doing this as this step is optional, but it is highly advised to test your machine thoroughly before deploying it in production). Click "Next" button on the bottom of the page.

Here you have to provide:

  • Name = a name for your pipeline (we'll use pipeline-example)
  • IAM role = select the EC2 role you have selected in Step 1 (in our case it's imagebuilder_pipeline_role)
  • Build schedule = select how you want your pipeline to be initiated
  • Instance type = add all the instance types you wish to use
  • SNS topic = select the topic we have created in Step 3 (in our case it's image_builder-to-lambda)
  • VPC, subnet and security groups = select a VPC, subnet and security group you want to use (create one if needed)
  • Troubleshooting settings = select a key pair you want to use to log in to the machine later if needed

... and click "Next" button on the bottom of the page.

On the next page, under "Output AMI" create a tag with the key ASGname with a value equal to the Auto Scaling group name you will be updating (in our case we will use server_asg_to_update. Click "Review" on the bottom of the page and then click "Create pipeline" on the bottom of the next page.

Now select the pipeline you have just created, click the "Actions" button and select "Run pipeline".

Congratulations! You have now succesfully created a pipeline, which is now building its first AMI to be used in your Auto Scaling group.

Step 5: Create a Lambda function

Now we need to create a Lambda function that will do all the job for us. To do that navigate to Lambda in your AWS Console and click the "Create function" button.

Select "Author from scratch", give the function a name (we'll use update_asg_amiid_function, and select Python 3.8 as Runtime. Under "Choose or create an execution role" select the role you have created in Step 2 (in our case it's lambda_function_refresh_ami) and click "Create function" button on the bottom of the page.

You should now be displayed your Lambda function page. Below the designer, remove everything in the "Function code" field and copy contents of lambda.py. Now in the "Designer" click "Add trigger". In the "Trigger configuration" select SNS as the trigger and select the SNS topic we've created in Step 3 (in our case it's image_builder-to-lambda) and click "Add" (this created the subscription we did not configure in Step 3. Now click "Save" in the top right corner of your function page.

You have now succesfully created a Lambda function that is triggered by an SNS message.

Step 6: Create a Launch template

By now the pipeline image should be fully created and marked as "Available" in EC2 Image Builder (or you might need to grab a coffee and wait a bit longer).

In your AWS console navigate to EC2 and choose "Launch Templates" from the left panel and click the "Create launch template" button.

Here you need to name your template (we'll use server_asg_to_update-template). Under "Amazon machine image (AMI)" selec the AMI we have created in Step 4 (in our case it's pipeline-example - there should be only one AMI ID beginning with this name, so it should not be hard to find, or you can search by AMI ID of the newly created image). Under "Instance type" select the instance type you wish your Auto Scaling group to use. Select your desired key under "Key pair". Under "Network settings" select the Security Group you wish to use. Optionally, if you are using t2 or t3 instances under "Advanced details" you might want to enable the "T2/T3 Unlimited" option.

Click "Create launch template" button at the bottom of the page.

Congratulations! You have now succesfully created a Launch template that will be used to create the Auto Scaling group.

Step 7: Create Auto Scaling group from Launch Template

We are almost there! Navigate to "Launch Templates" if you are not already there after Step 6. Select under the "Actions" button sellect "Create Auto Scaling group".

IMPORTANT! The name if the ASG has to be the same as the amiTag we have set in Step 4 (in our case it's server_asg_to_update)!!!

IMPORTANT! Under "Launch template", "Version" select "Latest" and click the "Next" button on the bottom of the page.

On the next page select "Adhere to launch template", choose VPS and subnets you want to use. Click the "Next" button on the bottom of the page.

Tick "Enable load balancing" and select or create a Target Group. To create one click "Create Target group". All you need to select is "Instance", give it a name and click the "Next" button on the bottom of the page and then click "Create target group" at the bottom of the next page.

Tick the "Enable group metrics collection within CloudWatch" box and click the "Next" button on the bottom of the page.

"Group size" (this is not optional). Fill it with values depending on how big do you want the Auto Scaling group to be. "Scaling policies" (this also is not optional). Select "Target tracking scaling policy" and fill it with values depending on how big do you want the Auto Scaling group to be (most probably you'll want to disable the scale-in capabilities of the group). Click the "Next" button on the bottom of the page.

You can add notification if you want to receive a message (or trigger something additional) every time a new instance is deployed. Click the "Next" button on the bottom of the page.

IMPORTANT! In Tags create a tag with a key Name and value equal to the final name of your Auto Scaling instance (in our case we we will use image_from_pipeline-example-autoscaling). If you don't provide a name for the instance the name will be just left blank by the ASG after instance creation. Click the "Next" button on the bottom of the page. Review if everything is ok and click the "Create Auto Scaling group" button on the bottom of the page.

Congratulations! You have now succesfully created an Auto Scaling group that will be updated with a new AMI ID by the Lambda function created earlier.

Step 8: Run your pipeline to invoke a Lambda function and update AMI ID in Auto Scaling group

This is the easiest part. Everything is ready now. It's time to fully test the solution for the first time. All you have to do is navigate to EC2 Image builder, select the pipeline you have created in Step 4 (in our case it's pipeline-example), click the "Actions" button and select "Run pipeline".

Congratulations! After successfull image creation in EC2 Image builder you should see the AMI ID change (after a few moments) in your ASG (in our case it's the name of the ASG is server_asg_to_update).

Step 9: Profit!

It's much more of a hands-on approach then the one provided by aws-samples, but at the same time you can tailor this solution more easily to your needs and already resources you've already. Enjoy!


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