
Dynamic Keyboard Shortcut Tooltips

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Mousetip is a tooltip layer for keyboard shortcuts built on top of the Mousetrap library by @ccampbell.

Check out the repository here https://github.com/ccampbell/mousetrap

A weekend project that was a proof of concept. There are quite a few things that need to be worked out, however it's been heavily 'used' in the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox on a Mac. I still haven't tried it in Windows and IE, but when I get access to a Windows PC I'll be sure to begin fixing bugs that creep up.



Getting started

  1. Head over to http://craig.is/killing/mice and check out the documentation for Mousetrap

  2. Include Mousetip on your page before the closing </body> tag

    <script src="/path/to/mousetip.js"></script>
  3. If you're using the built in UI library, including the following after mousetip.js. The css is included in ./examples/css/mousetip.css

    <script src="path/to/mousetip.ui.js"></script>
  4. Add some keyboard events to listen for and add a description for the action

    // single key example
    Mousetip.bindKey("a", "Change background color to yellow", function(e, combo) {
      $('body').css('background-color', 'yellow');
    // shift + single key example bound to uppercase value
    Mousetip.bindKey("A", "Insert the text 'hello world' into div", function(e, combo) {
      $("#container").text("hello world");
    // meta key example
    Mousetip.bindKey("meta+shift+e", "Change background color to red", function(e, combo) {
      $('body').css('background-color', 'red');
    // another meta key example with longer description
    Mousetip.bindKey("meta+shift+v", "You can only bind one non-modifier key when the meta key is part of the combination.", function(e, combo) {
    // taking focus away from the window with an alert message
    Mousetip.bindKey("ctrl+k+v", "Alert message", function() {
      alert("Alert message"); 
    // simple console message
    Mousetip.bindKey("ctrl+i", "Console message", function(e, combo) {
    // alt key example
    Mousetip.bindKey("meta+alt+.", "Change background color to blue", function(e, combo) {
      $('body').css('background-color', 'blue');
    // option key example
    Mousetip.bindKey("meta+option+2", "Change background color to green", function(e, combo) {
      $('body').css('background-color', 'green');
    // invalid binding
    Mousetip.bindKey("ctrl+M", "If you'd like to bind an uppercase letter, you can only do it with a shift+lowercase when there is a modifier involved", function(e, combo) {
      console.log("This will never execute");
    // binding the tooltip toggle to a combination
    Mousetip.bindKey("ctrl+t", "Toggle mousetip", function(e, combo) {
      Mousetip.toggle(function(power) {
    // binding the tooltip output to the UI library
    // you can use any tooltip library you'd like
    Mousetip.bindTooltip(function(shortcuts, e) {

Why Mousetip?

Well I haven't found one that does something similar, so it's pretty unique in that sense!

  • 'Realtime' keyboard shortcut tooltips
  • Clicking the tooltip triggers the action bound to the shortcut
  • Interchangable tooltip UI
  • Small footprint
  • No external dependencies


  • Support for sequences
  • Better click support
  • Fix known bugs
  • Tests
  • Documentation
  • Project Page


Check the source code for now