
Proclub Teknofest 2018 submission repository for Programmer


Proclub Teknofest 2018 submission repository for Programmer, you may alter/improve your submission before 23.59pm 30th of November 2018

How to Submit your project

  1. Please Star this repository
  2. Make a new issue on this repository following this template
  3. You can add your CV or other Portofolio either by uploading it in the same repo to your project or add a link to your CV and other Portofolio on your issue in this repository


You can see it here

Submission Criteria

Project Criteria

Please make sure that your project follow the rule and criteria explained in the handbook

Repository Criteria

Please include a documentation of your project atleast in form of a readme file with the following conditions:

  • The Readme file should be in markdown(.md) format
  • The Readme should contain a premise or a short description of your project
  • The Readme should explain on how to run or build the project

Further Question

If you have any question regarding the submission you are welcome to ask in Telegram (The Teknofest Group) or you could just tag me in your submission issue

Good Luck and Happy Hacking :)