
Project in continuation to the previous "whitelist-dapp"(i.e https://whitelist-dapp-hellosumitg.vercel.app/)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Let's launch our own NFT collection - Crypto Devs.


  • There should only exist 20 Crypto Dev NFT's and each one of them should be unique.
  • User's should be able to mint only 1 NFT with one transaction.
  • Whitelisted users, should have a 5 min presale period before the actual sale where they are guaranteed 1 NFT per transaction.
  • There should be a website for our NFT Collection.

Lets start building 🚀


  • What is a Non-Fungible Token? Fungible means to be the same or interchangeable eg Eth is fungible. With this in mind, NFTs are unique; each one is different. Every single token has unique characteristics and values. They are all distinguishable from one another and are not interchangeable eg Unique Art NFT's Creation Process

  • What is ERC-721? ERC-721 is an open standard that describes how to build Non-Fungible tokens on EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatible blockchains; it is a standard interface for Non-Fungible tokens; it has a set of rules which make it easy to work with NFTs. Before moving ahead have a look at all the functions supported by ERC721


Smart Contract

  • We would also be using Ownable.sol from Openzeppelin which helps us manage the Ownership of a contract

    • By default, the owner of an Ownable contract is the account, that deployed it, which is usually exactly what we want.
    • Ownable also lets you:
      • transferOwnership from the owner account to a new one, and
      • renounceOwnership for the owner to relinquish his administrative privilege, a common pattern after an initial stage with centralized administration is over.
  • We would also be using an extension of ERC721 known as ERC721 Enumerable

    • ERC721 Enumerable helps us to keep track of all the tokenIds in the contract and also the tokensIds held by an address for a given contract.
    • Please have a look at the functions it implements before moving ahead

To build the smart contract we would be using Hardhat. Hardhat is an Ethereum development environment and framework designed for full stack development in Solidity. In simple words we can write your smart contract, deploy them, run tests, and debug your code.

  • To setup a Hardhat project, Open up a terminal and execute these commands

    mkdir nft_collection
    cd nft_collection
    mkdir hardhat
    cd hardhat
    npm init --yes 
    yarn init --yes
    npm install --save-dev hardhat 
    yarn add hardhat --dev
  • In the same directory where you installed Hardhat run:

    npx hardhat
    • Select Create a basic sample project
    • Press enter for the already specified Hardhat Project root
    • Press enter for the question on if you want to add a .gitignore
    • Press enter for Do you want to install this sample project's dependencies with npm (@nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ethereum-waffle chai @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ethers)?

Now we have a hardhat project ready to go!

If you are not on mac, please do this extra step and install these libraries as well :)

npm install --save-dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ethereum-waffle chai @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ethers
yarn add @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ethereum-waffle chai @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ethers --dev

and press enter for all the questions.

  • In the same terminal now install @openzeppelin/contracts as we would be importing Openzeppelin's ERC721Enumerable Contract in our CryptoDevs contract.

    npm install @openzeppelin/contracts
    yarn add @openzeppelin/contracts
  • We will need to call the Whitelist Contract that we had deployed at our previous github repo to check for addresses that were whitelisted in that project and give them presale access. As we only need to call mapping(address => bool) public whitelistedAddresses; We can create an interface for Whitelist contract with a function only for this mapping, in this way we would save gas as we would not need to inherit and deploy the entire Whitelist Contract but only a part of it.

  • Create a new file inside the contracts directory and call it IWhitelist.sol as shown in the repo...

  • Now lets create a new file inside the contracts directory and call it CryptoDevs.sol as shown in the repo...

  • Now we would install dotenv package to be able to import the env file and use it in our config. Open up a terminal pointing at hardhat directory and execute this command

    npm install dotenv
    yarn add dotenv
  • Now create a .env file in the hardhat folder and add the following lines, use the instructions in the comments to get your Alchemy API Key URL and GOERLI Private Key. Make sure that the account from which you get your goerli private key is funded with Goerli Ether as shown in the repo...

  • Lets deploy the contract to goerli network. Create a new file named deploy.js under the scripts folder as shown in the repo...

  • As you can read, deploy.js requires some constants. Lets create a folder named constants under the hardhat folder

  • Now add an index.js file inside the constants folder and add the lines of code to the file as shown in the above repo with the address of the whitelist contract that we had deployed at our previous projectgithub repo. For Metadata_URL, just copy the sample one that has been provided in this repo. We would replace this later.

  • Now open the hardhat.config.js file, we would add the goerli network here so that we can deploy our contract to goerli as shown in this repo...

  • Compile the contract, open up a terminal pointing athardhat directory and execute this command

      npx hardhat compile
  • To deploy, open up a terminal pointing at hardhat directory and execute this command

      npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network goerli
  • Save the Crypto Devs Contract Address that was printed on your terminal in your notepad, you would need it futher down in the tutorial.


  • To develop the website we would be using React and Next Js. React is a javascript framework which is used to make websites and Next Js is built on top of React.

  • First, You would need to create a new next app. Your folder structure should look something like

       - nft_collection
           - hardhat
           - next-app
  • To create this next-app, in the terminal point to nft_collection folder and type

      npx create-next-app@latest

    and press enter for all the questions

  • Now to run the app, execute these commands in the terminal

    cd next-app
    npm run dev
    yarn dev
  • Now go to http://localhost:3000, your app should be running 🤘

  • Now lets install Web3Modal library(https://github.com/Web3Modal/web3modal). Web3Modal is an easy-to-use library to help developers add support for multiple providers in their apps with a simple customizable configuration. By default Web3Modal Library supports injected providers like (Metamask, Dapper, Gnosis Safe, Frame, Web3 Browsers, etc), You can also easily configure the library to support Portis, Fortmatic, Squarelink, Torus, Authereum, D'CENT Wallet and Arkane. Open up a terminal pointing atnext-app directory and execute this command

      npm install web3modal
      yarn add web3modal
  • In the same terminal also install ethers.js

    npm install ethers
    yarn add ethers
  • In your public folder download and paste the images from this repo...

  • Now go to styles folder and replace all the contents of Home.module.css with code shown in this repo...

  • Open you index.js file under the pages folder and paste the codes shown in this repo...

  • Now create a new folder under the next-app folder and name it constants.

  • In the constants folder create a file, index.js as shown in the repo...

    • Replace "addres of your NFT contract" with the address of the CryptoDevs contract that you deployed and saved to your notepad.
    • Replace ---your abi--- with the abi of your CryptoDevs Contract. To get the abi for your contract, go to your hardhat/artifacts/contracts/CryptoDevs.sol folder and from your CryptoDevs.json file get the array marked under the "abi" key.
  • Now in your terminal which is pointing to next-app folder, execute

    npm run dev
    yarn dev

Your Crypto Devs NFT dapp should now work without errors 🚀

Push to github

Make sure before proceeding you have pushed all your code to github :)

Deploying your dApp

We will now deploy your dApp, so that everyone can see your website and you can share it with all of your LearnWeb3 DAO friends.

  • Go to https://vercel.com/ and sign in with your GitHub

  • Then click on New Project button and then select your nft_collection repo

  • When configuring your new project, Vercel will allow you to customize your Root Directory

  • Click Edit next to Root Directory and set it to next-app

  • Select the Framework as Next.js

  • Click Deploy

  • Now you can see your deployed website by going to your dashboard, selecting your project, and copying the domain from there! Save the domain on notepad, you would need it later.

View your Collection on Opensea

Now lets make your collection is available on Opensea

To make the collection available on Opensea, we would need to create a metadata endpoint. This endpoint would return the metadata for an NFT given its tokenId.

  • Open your next-app folder and underpages/api folder, create a new file named [tokenId].js(Make sure the name has the brackets as well). Adding the brackets helps create dynamic routes in next js

  • Add the following lines to [tokenId].js file. Read about adding API routes in next js here and copy the code as shown in this repo...

  • Now you have an api route which Opensea can call to retrieve the metadata for the NFT

  • Lets deploy a new Crypto Devs contract with this new api route as your METADATA_URL

  • Open your hardhat/constants folder and inside your index.js and add const METADATA_URL = your domain which you saved to notepad and add /api/ to its end as shown in the repo...

  • Save the file and open up a new terminal pointing to hardhat folder and deploy a new contract

      npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby
  • Save the new NFT contract address to a notepad.

  • Open up "next-app/constants" folder and inside the index.js file replace the old NFT contract address with the new one

  • Push all the code to github and wait for vercel to deploy the new code.

  • After vercel has deployed your code, open up your website and mint an NFT

  • After your transaction gets successful,In your browser open up this link by replacing your-nft-contract-address with the address of your NFT contract in this link (i.e https://testnets.opensea.io/assets/your-nft-contract-address/1)

  • Your NFT is now available on Opensea 🚀 🥳

You can check my final website here :- nft_collection

Special thanks 🙏🏻 to team@LearnWeb3DAO 😇