
A Douban Database, including data of movies, books and users. There are around 2 million pieces of data in this Mysql Database. We have over 30 data analysis results, as well as a recommendation function.

Primary LanguagePython


This project is completed by Lin Muhan, Liu Quan, Shu Xin, Zhang Yanglin together. It constructed a Douban Database, including data of movies, books and users. There are around 2 million pieces of data in this Mysql Database. We have over 30 data analysis results, as well as a recommendation function.

File Folder Description:

  • "data" contains the data and Mysql instructions for Douban Database.
  • "djangoProject" contains all the content of the website.
  • "MYSQL-python-1.2.5" is the pymysql package.
  • "recommend_describ" contains the graphs and the Readme file of recommendation program.
  • "snapshots" contains snapshots of the website.
  • "Spider" contains Python Spider codes
  • "recommendation" contains Apriori algorithm using R language, specific recommendation codes using Python, and rules.


You need to have mysql, pymysql, Django installed on your computer.

(A) Install Douban Database using "data" file folder

  • execute initi.sql in Mysql to create tables
  • Change the directory in import_data.sql, and then execute it to load data
  • Notice that "queries.sql" contains sample Mysql queries

(B) Run the website using "djangoProject" file folder

  • Before using it, change database password to yourself's in views.py search.py recommendation.py settings.py
  • Open your mysql
  • Run
    Suppose you store this package at D:
    Then run the following codes in the terminal:

cd D:\djangoProject
python manage.py runserver

Then go to the website