
A JavaScript framework for everyone who wants to build beautiful experiences on any device

Mozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Welcome to the Famo.us GitHub repo. If you are interested in evaluating Famo.us, we are now in open beta.

DOWNLOAD Famo.us Starter Kit
LEARN Famo.us University
DOCS Documentation
HELP IRC Channel
DEMOS Mobile Interactive Demos (built by the community)


Famo.us is a free and open source JavaScript platform for building mobile apps and desktop experiences. What makes Famo.us unique is its JavaScript rendering engine and 3D physics engine that gives developers the power and tools to build native quality apps and animations using pure JavaScript. Famo.us runs on iOS, Android, Kindle and Firefox devices and integrates with Angular, Backbone, Meteor and Facebook React. Famo.us University is a free live coding classroom that teaches all levels of developers how to utilize famo.us to build beautiful experiences on every screen.


Starter Kit

To get up and running quickly, download our starter kit. We've loaded it with examples, demos, reference documentation, and higher-level guides; everything you need to get started.

Advanced Installation

If you would like to scaffold an app with Famo.us from the command line, install our yeoman generator via npm.

npm install -g yo grunt-cli bower generator-famous
mkdir newProject
cd newProject
yo famous
grunt serve

Preparing your project for distribution is then as simple as:



Cloning this repository directly is primarily for those wishing to contribute to our codebase. Check out our contributing instructions to get involved. Since we use git submodules, all subfolders will be unpopulated unless you initialize and update your submodules. To clone from the command line, run

git clone git@github.com:Famous/famous.git
cd famous
git submodule update --init

Note: this only provides the Famo.us folder and all Famo.us code, but it does no application scaffolding. You will additionally need to create your own index.html, and include the famous.css file that is included in famous/core. Require.js is also a hard dependency for using Famo.us.

Famous.git Package

This package contains the submodules necessary to be productive in Famo.us. They are all hosted on our github organization.

Submodule Description
core.git The low level componentry of Famo.us, plus the required famous.css stylesheet.
events.git Events are used for communication between objects in Famous.
inputs.git The inputs library is used to interpret user input to the device.
math.git A simple math library used throughout the core.
modifiers.git Implementations of the core/Modifier pattern which output transforms to the render tree.
physics.git Core engine controlling animations via physical simulation.
surfaces.git Surfaces extend core/Surface and encapsulate common HTML tags like <img> and <canvas>.
transitions.git Transitions are used to create animation, usually by providing input to a Modifier.
utilities.git Utilities hosts various helper classes and static methods.
views.git Views are visually interactable components for use in applications.
widgets.git Widgets are small visually interactable components for use in applications with their own styling.



  • If you would like to report a bug, please check the issues section in our contributing instructions.
  • Ask a question on our forum (requires login).
  • Join us in our IRC channel #famous at irc.freenode.net. Freenode maintains this getting started guide for those new to irc. If you're new to discussing open-source software development on freenode and you want to ask a question, we recommend that you first read esr's How to Ask Questions the Smart Way.
  • For contributors, read more instructions in the CONTRIBUTING.md document in this repo.

Licensing information

  • Famo.us' client-side development package is licensed under the Mozilla public license version 2.0. More information can be found at Mozilla.
  • Mozilla also maintains an MPL-2.0 FAQ that should answer most questions you may have about the license.
  • Contact us at license@famo.us for further inquiries.

Copyright (c) 2014 Famous Industries, Inc.