
An efficient basecaller for Illumina sequencers with calibrated quality scores

Primary LanguagePython

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================================================= freeIbis - Improved Base Identification System

In the same folder as this README, there are also three other folders, run the following commands:

$ make

This should build the required binaries for freeIbis. Be sure you have bgzip (http://samtools.sourceforge.net/tabix.shtml ) installed and in your path as freeIbis requires this to generate bam files. Try typing "bgzip -h" to see if it works.

You may now edit params.py in the current directory to change default values. In most cases this is not necessary, however if your /tmp folder does not have at least 30 Gb free disk space, you should use another default temp folder.

Base calling should typically be started using


This should give you the list of options. Ideally, you will only need a few of them. However, you should check the website above for details.

Enjoy using freeIbis.