- a command line binary for sending notifications to Growl
- a library for integrating Growl into you C or C++ based applications
Sending notifications from Windows/Linux/ Mac is supported. Unixes in general should be supported but are untested.
Notifications may be received by Growl on Mac or GrowlForWindows on Windows.
- windows
- linux /mac
int growl(server, appname, notify, title, message, icon, password, url)
Send tcp notification. Currently this is supported only by GrowlForWindows
- hostname where Growl is running, port can optionally be specified e.glocalhost:23053
- name for application sending notificationtite
- notification titlemessage
- notification texticon
- optional url or local file path for notification icon or NULLpassword
- password for Growlurl
- website to direct user to if they click notification or NULL
int growl_udp(server, appname, notify, title, message, icon, password, url)
Send udp notification. This is supported by both GrowlForWindows and Mac Growl.
As above except icon and url are ignored.
Growl *grow = new Growl(protocol, password, appname, notifications, notifications_count);
growl->Notify(notification1, title, message);
growl->Notify(notification2, title, message);
MinGW is basically gcc for Windows. make is required to build using MinGW.
To build the gntp-send.exe executable and libraries required for integration run
mingw32-make -f Makefile.w32
nmake is required to build using Visual Studio.
To build the gntp-send.exe executable and libraries required for integration run
nmake -f Makefile.msc
Max OS X is basically a Unix variant and is covered by these instructions.
gcc/g++ and make are required for building.
To build gntp-send and the libraries required for integration run
make -f Makefile
Peter Sinnott provided windows binaries, see:
For ubuntu linux, use ppa: https://launchpad.net/~mattn/+archive/gntp-send
gntp-send and libraries distributed under BSD license.
Please fork on github, and send me pull-requests.
Note to keep my code style.
Yasuhiro Matsumoto <mattn.jp@gmail.com>
Peter Sinnott <link@redbrick.dcu.ie>
Dither <dithersky@myopera.com>