
Safely expose Elasticsearch REST API directly to the public

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Readonly REST Elasticsearch Plugin

Expose the high performance HTTP server embedded in Elasticsearch directly to the public, safely blocking any attempt to delete or modify your data.

In other words... no more proxies! Yay Ponies!

Getting started

1. Install the plugin

Replace the ES version with the one you have:

bin/plugin install https://github.com/sscarduzio/elasticsearch-readonlyrest-plugin/raw/master/download/elasticsearch-readonlyrest-v1.7_es-v2.2.1.zip
2. Configuration

Append either of these snippets to conf/elasticsearch.yml

USE CASE 1: Full access from localhost + RO Access just to catalogue- indices*

    enable: true
    response_if_req_forbidden: Sorry, your request is forbidden.

    - name: Accept all requests from localhost
      type: allow
      hosts: []
    - name: Just certain indices, and read only
      type: allow
      actions: [cluster:*, indices:data/read/*]
      indices: [product_catalogue-*] # index aliases are taken in account!

USE CASE 2: Authenticated users in Kibana (various permission levels)

    enable: true
    response_if_req_forbidden: <h1>Forbidden</h1>    

    - name: Salesmen (read only)
      type: allow
      kibana_access: ro
      auth_key: sales:passwd1

    - name: Managers (read only, but can create dashboards)
      type: allow
      kibana_access: ro+
      auth_key: manager:passwd2
    - name: Admin (read write)
      type: allow
      kibana_access: rw
      auth_key: admin:passwd3
3. restart elastic search

For other use cases and finer access control have a look at the full list of supported rules


2016-02-21 🆕 v1.9.1:

  • kibana_access support access control for Kibana dashboards in "ro|rw|ro+" modes.
  • kibana_indices if you customize the kibana.index property in kibana.yml let us know so kibana_access works as it should.
  • actions rule lets you control what kind of actions are allowed/forbidden. I.e. [cluster:*, indices:data:*]
  • indices rule now supports wildcards i.e. the word logstash-* will match itself, but also logstash-2016-04-02

2016-02-21 🆕 v1.8: indices rule now resolves index aliases.

2016-02-21 🆕 v1.7: real (multi)index isolation is now possible through indices rule (supersedes uri_re).

2016-02-20 🆕 v1.6: show login prompt in browsers if auth_key is configured.

2015-12-19 🆕 v1.5: support for X-Forwarded-For, HTTP Basic Authentication, and X-API-Key.

Download the latest build

Plugin releases for earlier versions of Elasticsearch (may not include all the features) are available in the download folder.

** If you need a build for a specific ES version, open an issue and you'll get it. **


Lightweight security 🚀

Other security plugins are replacing the high performance, Netty based, embedded REST API of Elasticsearch with Tomcat, Jetty or other cumbersome XML based JEE madness.

This plugin instead is just a lightweight HTTP request filtering layer.

Less moving parts

No need to spin up a new HTTP proxy (Varnish, NGNix, HAProxy) between ES and clients to prevent malicious access. Just set ES in "read-only" mode for the external world with one simple access control rule.

A Simpler, flexible access control list (ACL)

Build your ACL from simple building blocks (rules) i.e.:

  • hosts a list of origin IP addresses or subnets
  • api_keys a list of api keys passed in via header X-Api-Key
  • methods a list of HTTP methods
  • accept_x-forwarded-for_header interpret the X-Forwarded-For header as origin host (useful for AWS ELB and other reverse proxies)
  • auth_key HTTP Basic auth.

See the (full list of supported rules)[Supported-Rules] for more info on how to use them.

Custom response body

Optionally provide a string to be returned as the body of 403 (FORBIDDEN) HTTP response. If not provided, the descriptive "name" field of the matched block will be shown (good for debug!).

What is this read only mode?

When the plugin is activated and properly configured, Elasticsearch REST API responds with a "403 FORBIDDEN" error whenever the request meets the following parameters:

  • Any HTTP method other than GET is requested
  • GET request has a body (according to HTTP specs it never should!)

This is enough to keep public users from changing the data (see relevant ES REST API documentation).

You're free to expand the ACL further if you need more fine grained access control.



This project was incepted in this StackOverflow thread.


Thanks Ivan Brusic for publishing this guide