Implement of FusioNetV2
Official implementation of FusionNetV2
The code is modified from the official implementation of epro-pnp(, and is used for benchmarking only.
The code has been tested in the environment described as follows:
Linux (tested on Ubuntu 18.04) Python 3.7 PyTorch 1.7.0
Find the details in environment.yaml
Dataset setting
Please refer to this link for instructions(CDPN:
Train To start training, enter the directory EPro-PnP-6DoF/tools, and run: python --cfg /PATH/TO/CONFIG # configs are located in EPro-PnP-6DoF/tools/exp_cfg
Test To test and evaluate on the LineMOD test split, please edit the config file and
set the load_model option to the path of the checkpoint file, change the test option from False to True
python --cfg /PATH/TO/CONFIG