
Primary LanguageJavaScript


About the project

A discord bot to notify members when a new rabbithole quest becomes available.

What It Does

When the bot is installed in a server, it will create a "🔔 | Notifications" Category, and two channels. One for setup ("🔔-setup"), and one to post the notifications ("🔔-notifications"). Members can add/remove the @Quester role by clicking the button in the "🔔-setup" channel. This role will allow the member to be notified when a new quest appears.


  • Manually create a new server named "QuestBot". This is the home server needed for reading/writing custom emojis.
  • Create a bot user in the discord developer portal and retrieve the discord token.
  • After cloning/forking the project, setup the .env file in the root of the app.
  • The .env file must include your discord token in this format DISCORD_TOKEN=token
  • You will need an alchemy key in your .env file to be able to subscribe to contract events. ALCHEMY_KEY=key
  • The bot will require the following permissions:
    • Manage Roles
    • Manage Channels
    • Read Messages/View Channels
    • Send Messages
    • Read Message History
    • Use External Emojis
  • Set the correct permissions in the discord developer portal and invite to your server.
    1. Go to the developer portal and find the OAuth2 tab.
    2. Go to General, scroll down to Default Authorization Link and select In-app Authorization
    3. Tick the bot checkbox under scope.
    4. Fill in the bot permissions as listed above and save.
    5. Go to URL Generator and select bot under scope.
    6. Fill in the bot permissions as listed above.
    7. Copy/Paste the URL in your browser to invite the bot to a new server.
  • Lastly, you will need to manually set the Manage Expressions permission in the server settings (under role) for your bots role in the home QuestBot server created on the first step.

To install dependencies:

npm install

To run the development server:

npm run dev

To run the start server:

npm start