
Plotly Dash app built with Community Mobility Data from Google and COVID cases number from NYT.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


  • This analysis is based on the COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports created by Google. The reports aim to provide insights into what has changed in response to policies aimed at combating COVID-19. The reports chart movement trends over time by geography, across different categories of places such as retail and recreation, groceries and pharmacies, parks, transit stations, workplaces, and residential.
  • In order to run the analysis, make sure you download the original dataset from Google and run all the code chunks in the data_cleaning.ipynb to create the cleaned dataframe that only focuses on the trend in the U.S
  • In order to find the correlation between COVID cases and the mobility trend, I also combined it with the COVID-19 dataset from New York Times. There is also an interesting pattern of how people from different states are responding to the number of confirmed cases and deaths.
  • The analysis can be found in the data_analysis.ipynb notebook. There is also a Plotly Dash app built on top that. You can find how to run the app in the README file.

How to run the Dash app

Step 1: You can either create a virtual env to work on this project (recommended)

 pip install virtualenv
 virtualenv venv
 source venv/bin/activate   # Mac OS/Linux
 .\venv\Scripts\activate    # Windows
 pip install -r requirements.txt

or you can install all the dependencies manually by running pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 2: Start the Dash App by running python index.py

Step 3: Check the app locally at

How to use this project as a boilerplate to build your own app

Most of the examples on the Plotly gallery are single page app so that they don't give you a clear picture how should you structure the files when you are building something slightly more complicated, i.e a multiple page app. This is what I would recommend as a flat layout project structure.

├── app.py                  # where Dash instance is defined
├── index.py                # the entry point for running the app
├── layouts.py              # define the layout of each url/page
├── callbacks.py            # define should we render the output when input changes
├── requirements.txt        # install project dependecies in a virtual environment
├── assets/                 # static files
└── ...

There are three main files that you need to read and understand:

  1. index.py includes everything related to the main page, i.e how do you want to render each url
  2. layouts.py where you define the structure of each page. There are three major packages used when building the layout of the app:
    • dash_html_components contains all the basic html elements like <h1> to <h6>, <div>, <p>... More details can be found on the documentation page.
    • dash-core-components is a set of interactive components written by the Dash team, i.e dropdown, slider, input, checkboxes... More details can be found on the documentation page.
    • dash_bootstrap_components connect the bootstrap with Dash components so that your app has a modern look.
    • layouts.py file is where you combine different html elements and other interactive components to build the layout of the app. It will look messy if you are building a complicated app. It is better to use a bracket colorizer to help you keep the indexing consistent.
  3. callbacks.py where all the interactions happen, i.e how to update the graph when the user changes the value in the dropdown menu.