- 1
Update to Helm 3 the 'helm install' instruction
#659 opened by carrodher - 1
mongo db not authorized on to execute command { aggregate: pipeline: $addFields ..
#687 opened by abdennour - 1
- 1
- 1
tiller is deprecated
#681 opened by thetillhoff - 0
Add Docker authentication to CircleCI jobs
#682 opened by bacongobbler - 1
is it possible to pass a CA cert
#677 opened by mjschmidt - 1
can not install in helm3
#665 opened by zehuaiWANG - 0
index.html Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'overrides' of undefined at (index):7
#675 opened by haochencheng - 0
Password Protect?
#669 opened by kferrone - 0
Deprecated Default Mongo
#668 opened by kferrone - 0
- 3
Replace MongoDB
#622 opened by mattfarina - 0
Images linked in READMEs not rendered
#664 opened by mattfarina - 0
- 0
Support for protocol gs://
#661 opened by chavezmx - 0
Have chart-repo filter charts when syncing
#657 opened by gregsidelinger - 0
Running Monocular with Kind
#654 opened by Scuilion - 0
Show repo add instructions for stable repo
#651 opened by jdolitsky - 0
Update chart to stable resources
#636 opened by mattfarina - 0
Support Helm v3 charts
#649 opened by mattfarina - 4
Incorrect value name for repos in chart README
#646 opened by martinheg - 4
Self-signed certificate problem
#585 opened by ns500 - 6
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
#635 opened by buzai - 0
Support case insensitive readme file in charts
#638 opened by jessehu - 1
Monocular UI in custtom cluster w/ flannel network and external mongo DB hangs fetching charts
#634 opened by Shark-y - 1
SVG icons are not displayed
#577 opened by lambertjosh - 0
Charts with svg icons are not shown
#591 opened by andresmgot - 0
Don't return error when repos have no chart
#632 opened by FengyunPan2 - 0
[UX] Anchor navigation on detail pages
#630 opened by KevinGimbel - 0
Jobs with uppercase letters
#626 opened by mattfarina - 1
API url paths
#624 opened by mattfarina - 4
Handle missing Readme
#620 opened by mattfarina - 0
Search API
#589 opened by mattfarina - 1
- 7
Open monocular blank page
#613 opened by lou-lan - 2 shows same date for all chart releases
#618 opened by rimusz - 0
Search is broken in some situations
#614 opened by mattfarina - 3
Display chart templates
#612 opened by cpoole - 1
Ingress issues with ingress-nginx > 0.22
#610 opened by cpoole - 2
Notifications for new Releases
#608 opened by srueg - 6
Improvement: Show repo name as a namespace
#594 opened by rimusz - 3
Turn off .chart-details-usage
#600 opened by lemaral - 1
REGRESSION: $HTTP_PROXY is not honored
#601 opened by pho-enix - 1
- 2
release monocular failed: Ingress.extensions "monocular-monocular" is invalid: spec.rules[0].host: Invalid value: "<nil>": a DNS-1123 subdomain must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, '-' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character (e.g. '', regex used for validation is '[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*')
#593 opened by fhchina - 10
Install command truncated
#580 opened by Dean-Coakley - 2
Scaling Monocular
#588 opened by mattfarina - 2
Use self-signed certificate repository
#587 opened by ns500 - 2
chart-repo docker build error
#584 opened by ns500