
CodeSchool - learn the basics of ruby

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CodeSchool - learn the basics of ruby

Ruby is a programming language from Japan (available at ruby-lang.org) which is revolutionizing the web. The beauty of Ruby is found in its balance between simplicity and power.

1 - Using the Interactive Ruby Shell

IRB or irb is a REPL for programming in the object-oriented scripting language Ruby. The abbreviation irb comes from the fact that the filename extension for Ruby is ".rb", although interactive Ruby files do not have an extension of ".irb".

To use the IRB, access a OSX terminal, and type irb. Note that IRB was installed by default at OSX.

  $try-ruby git:(master) irb
  2.0.0-p247 :001 > 

Ruby recognizes numbers and mathematic symbols. You could try some other math like: 4 * 10 5 - 12 40 / 4