
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a pnpm workspace with a subdirectory containing an Expo app
  2. Follow the manual setup directions for expo-router
  3. Follow the directions for setting up a monorepo in the Expo documentation
    • Modify the Metro config:
      // metro.config.js:
      const path = require("path");
      const { getDefaultConfig } = require("expo/metro-config");
      const projectRoot = __dirname;
      const workspaceRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, "../..");
      const config = getDefaultConfig(projectRoot);
      config.watchFolders = [workspaceRoot],
      config.resolver.nodeModulesPaths = [
        path.resolve(projectRoot, "node_modules"),
        path.resolve(workspaceRoot, "node_modules"),
      module.exports = config;
    • Prepend the run command with EXPO_USE_METRO_WORKSPACE_ROOT=1 as described in Change the default entrypoint
      // package.json:
      /* ... */
      "scripts": {
          "ios": "EXPO_USE_METRO_WORKSPACE_ROOT=1 expo run:ios",
          "android": "EXPO_USE_METRO_WORKSPACE_ROOT=1 expo run:android",
      /* ... */
    • Add node-linker=hoisted to .npmrc at the root of the monorepo as described in Can I use another Monorepo tool?
      # .npmrc:
  4. Install expo-dev-client in the Expo app
    cd apps/expo
    pnpm i expo-dev-client
  5. run pnpm i in the monorepo root
  6. run either pnpm ios or pnpm android to create and launch a development build
  7. Open the debugger and observe the error
  8. Click any of the links in the error message to see the resolution error

Expected behavior

Source-maps (and by extension, the debugger) should just work.

Actual behavior

The debugger gets a 404 error when trying to load the source-map.


Recalling a fix for an older bug, I was able to work around the issue as follows:

  • Create an index.ts file in the app's root directory (or index.js, etc)
  • Add the following single line:
    import "expo-router/entry";
  • Update package.json#main to point to the new file
    "main": "index.ts",
    /* ... */