This docker container is intended to be used together with the Jenkins Docker Plugin.
- Check that the required module, as stated above is installed
- Add a new credential in Jenkins with Username: jenkins and Password: jenkins
- Configure a new docker cloud in your Jenkins settings (Manage Jenkins->Configure System)
- Give it a name and a valid docker URL like
- Test the connection
- Add this image from the public registry to that cloud with the ID: m1no/jenkins-dind
- Give that image a valid build label (ex.:"docker") to point your build jobs to it
- Select the newly created credential from before to allow the Jenkins Master to connect via ssh to the new Docker Jenkins slave
- Click the "Advanced..." button for that image
- Enable "Run container privileged" mode
- Create a new build job and set the option "Restrict where this project can be run" to the new build label (ex.:"docker")
- Do your build steps as usual
After running a build you should see that Jenkins start a new docker container everytime you trigger this job to build. Shortly after triggerin the Build, there will be a notice that the job is pending on the build instance, this is totally normal. After the brand new slave is fully operational this should go over in to "Building".
- At our office we use it to build all our jobs in docker containers even other docker containers
- It helps a lot to have a deterministic docker build setup all the time
- The Docker Plugin of Jenkins does not clean the attached container volumes
=> Manual cleanup needed on the Docker main host regularly
rm -Rf /var/lib/docker/vfs/dir/*