React Native Coding Challenge

In this challenge you're going to create a basic Reddit app with React Native.

Reddit is a news website where registered users can submit posts or links to content that other users can vote and comment. Each of these posts is grouped into categories known as "subreddits".

Your web app should list the last posts of the r/pics subreddit.

To obtain the list of posts of a subreddit use the following URL:

For more information about the JSON structure see:


  • Show a list of the posts in the r/pics subreddit.

  • Each post must show the following data: thumbnail image (if present), title, author, total number of votes (score), number of comments and date of creation.

  • Example layout:


  • Once the user taps on a post, navigate to the post’s URL in a WebView.

  • Add a README with an explanation of your design and assumptions and brief instructions on how to run your app.

  • The app must be able to run on Android. If you can support iOS too that's nice.


The evaluation of the app will be based on these criteria:

  • UI and UX
  • Overall Design and Structure
  • Data Management


  • You can use any existing boilerplate to bootstrap your app, or build your app from scratch. Make sure to explain the choices you made. Keep in mind that the app must be easily executable from the command line.
  • Send us a link to the repository where your code is hosted (e.g. Github, Bitbucket...).

Good luck!