React Starter

Tech Stack:

React | TypeScript | ESLint | Prettier | Tailwind CSS | pnpm

How to use it



To have an up-to-date project, verify when this template was last updated. If you believe it was too long ago, consider recreating it following (and changing if necessary) the steps below.

How to re-create it

  1. Start a new Create React App project with TypeScript. Instructions here.

  2. Install Tailwind. Instructions here.

    Add automatic tailwind class sorting with prettier. Instructions here.

  3. Install ESLint. Instructions here.

    Configure ESLint. See configuration.

    Install ESLint Plugin TypeScript. Instructions here.

  4. Install Prettier. Instructions here.

    Configure Prettier. See configuration.

    Install eslint-config-prettier. See more.

  5. Add Husky and lint-staged

    Install husky. Instructions here.

    Install lint-staged. Instructions here.

    Configure lint-staged. See configuration.

  6. Add commitlint. Instructions here.

  7. Add vscode settings & extensions

    Configure vscode workspace settings. See configuration.

    Configure vscode workspace extensions. See configuration.

  8. Add utils

    Add classNames. See file.
