
Job history observer for remote HPC clusters with Slurm job scheduler.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


An observer that fetches the job history with the "sacct" command of the Slurm workload manager and saves it in a SQLite3 database. Can be useful to integrate it in microservices which launch jobs in HPC clusters where Slurm is used as a job scheduler. The reason why it saves the records in a light database, because usually the content of the "sacct" command gets deleted periodically.

Table of content

Installation with a pre-built binary

Download the corresponding binary to your system from the assets below and put it into your PATH to make it a globally available executable.

Download binary here

NOTE: Ensure that your system has a globally installed and available SSH and SQLITE3 client.


mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
cp ./path/to/sacct-observer-binary ~/.local/bin/sacct-observer
chmod u+x ~/.local/bin/sacct-observer

MAKE SURE THAT "~/.local/bin" is in your PATH!

# Check your PATH variable.
echo $PATH | grep $HOME/.local/bin

# If no result printed as output, then:
echo "export PATH=\$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin" >> $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc

NOTE: If you want autocomplete for your bash shell, then run the following pipe:

rm -r /tmp/sacct-observer \
&& git clone https://github.com/heloint/sacct-observer /tmp/sacct-observer \
&& cd /tmp/sacct-observer \
&& make get-autocomplete \
&& cd -

Installation from source

NOTE: Ensure that your system has a globally installed and available SSH and SQLITE3 client.

1. Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/heloint/sacct-observer

2. Build the binary (latest Go compiler is required)

make build

OR use Docker to build the binary

docker build -t sacct-observer:latest . \
&& mkdir -p ./bin \
&& id=$(docker create sacct-observer:latest) \
&& docker cp $id:/app/bin/sacct-observer - > ./bin/sacct-observer \
&& docker rm -v $id

3. Make the binary available for the session's user.

make install

4. (optional) Enable autocomplete for the CLI flags. <a id="enable-autocomplete />

make get-autocomplete


sacct-observer --username "my_remote_username" \
               --remote-address "my_cluster.org" \
               --output-sqlite-db "/path/to/create/my_sqlite.db" \
               --update-frequency 30