Helpful Knowledge For Starting Out With...

While I create all kinds of projects I noticed I forget a lot of what I've learned. And when I have use it again I have to relearn it which is a big waste of time. Instead I decided to create short introductions to everything I know. Now when I need to once again work with pdfs I can just look up my intro on pdf.js and be able to quickly start working. I've shared this publicly so that more people can start using coding for their own gain. If there isn't a program like what you need, or a company is annoying you with it's crazy actions make it yourself. A few months ago I completely switched from Windows 11 to Arch Linux because all their recent decisions are too much for me.

All the documents are an early version and will frequently change. Don't rely on what's said as fact. I am a beginner but I don't want that to stop me from sharing what I know to people just starting out. Some people starting out relate more to beginners than experienced developers because they've forgotten what it's like just start out. As I continue to learn I will update the documents.