
This is a wrapper for integrating the AEC-based environment of pettingzoo with the gymnasium.experimental.wrappers.RecordVideoV0 from the gymnasium library.

RecordVideoV0 calls the superclass's step/reset method and attempts to unpack obs, info in the current class's step/reset method. However, an error occurs because the AEC-based environment returns None from the step function.

This simple wrapper resolves the issue, allowing for the recording of the environment with RecordVideoV0 in the AEC setting.


from pettingzoo.classic import connect_four_v3
from gymnasium.experimental.wrappers import RecordVideoV0
from record_helper_for_aec import RecordHelperForAEC

env = connect_four_v3.env(render_mode="rgb_array")
######################### reder_mode must be 'rgb_array'###
env = RecordHelperForAEC(env)
env = RecordVideoV0(env, video_folder=".")

for agent in env.agent_iter():
    observation, reward, termination, truncation, info = env.last()

    if termination or truncation:
        action = None
        mask = observation["action_mask"]
        # this is where you would insert your policy
        action = env.action_space(agent).sample(mask)
