- 1
Kalman filter
#80 opened by fleur0911 - 6
same Log Likelihood of different SSModel
#79 opened by JonBrommer - 6
Question building an Ar(2) model
#78 opened by shankykm - 1
Difficulty with setting a1 and P1 when using SSMseasonal and reduced number of harmonics
#77 opened by bking124 - 9
Poor time variability of time-varying regression coefficients and Inconsistency of param estimates among methods in fitSSM
#75 opened by markov2264 - 6
Standardized residuals
#76 opened by k41m4n - 3
Returning Importance Samples in predict.SSModel
#72 opened by bking124 - 3
Exact diffuse intialisation
#69 opened by AdamElderfield - 2
- 15
Wrong convergence without warnings or errors
#65 opened by zjph602xtc - 7
How to extract the overdispersion parameters in regression models assuming negative binomial distribution
#74 opened by markov2264 - 2
How to extract time varying coefficients and CIs corresponding to each variable in SSMregression
#73 opened by markov2264 - 2
Documentation: "more complex model" example
#71 opened by gergelybat - 0
Exogenous variable
#70 opened by AdamElderfield - 1
Change .f95 suffix to .f90
#68 opened by Beliavsky - 4
KFS function
#67 opened by mariajesus1980 - 6
- 1
How to predict more time series
#64 opened by sue-shine - 1
Regression effect for level or slope
#60 opened by Vera1996 - 3
Problems with standardized residuals
#52 opened by Vera1996 - 5
- 5
Model non-gaussian multivariate outcome
#62 opened by zjph602xtc - 11
space and time prediction
#55 opened by sue-shine - 4
- 2
Observation updates
#41 opened by mallerhand - 1
Overdispersed distributions
#40 opened by sschloss1 - 6
Handle intercepts in the model
#61 opened by zjph602xtc - 2
exact diffuse initialization
#59 opened by suprajamalladi - 3
Error: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
#58 opened by Vera1996 - 17
ymiss and yt arrays in kfilter2
#34 opened by jhal324 - 2
ERROR: System matrices (excluding Z) contain NA or infinite values, covariance matrices contain values larger than 1e+07
#56 opened by LakeRainSound - 2
- 5
Fitting a Multivariate Local Linear Trend model
#46 opened by Vera1996 - 2
adding level shift without using SSMregression and dealing with an error
#53 opened by suprajamalladi - 2
LDL Composition of H failed.
#51 opened by Vera1996 - 2
Regression in multivariate LLT model
#50 opened by Vera1996 - 2
- 4
- 4
model components in the KFAS package
#45 opened by suprajamalladi - 2
Documentation about Poisson
#44 opened by hayato-n - 2
Problem with one-step-ahead prediction residuals (standardised) when using an intervention variable
#42 opened by k41m4n - 4
Can't calculate multivariate time-series
#43 opened by ymatsumotomatsu - 2
Univariate approach for maximum loglikelihood in multivariate state space models
#37 opened by k41m4n - 3
Weighted regression
#38 opened by sschloss1 - 1
incude multiple trends in SSMseasonal() function
#31 opened by zuzanale - 2
- 3
P[t+1] = T*Ptt[t]*T’ + RQR' not true in KFAS
#36 opened by jye1999 - 7
Negative K
#35 opened by SuYe99 - 3
- 4