Angular Full Stack
The frontend is generated with Angular CLI. The backend is made from scratch. Whole stack in TypeScript.
- PHP >= 7: runtime environment
- MongoDB: database
- Slim API: backend framework
- Angular CLI: frontend scaffolding
- Angular 2+: frontend framework
- Bootstrap: layout and styles
- Font Awesome: icons
npm i -g @angular/cli
- From project root folder install all the dependencies by running the following command inside your terminal:
npm install
Run the app
Development mode
By running the following command a window will automatically open at localhost:4200. Angular and Express files are being watched. Any change automatically creates a new bundle, restart Express server and reload your browser.
npm run dev
Production mode
To run the project with a production bundle and AOT compilation listening at localhost:3000 run the following command:
npm run prod
Deploy to Heroku
- Go to Heroku and create a new app
- Install Heroku CLI
- Run the following command to login to heroku:
heroku login
- Open the root directory of the project inside your terminal by running:
cd my-project/
- Inside of the project running the following command will creates a new Git repository
git init
- Update your heroku app name by running the following command:
heroku git:remote -a your-app-name
- Download this repo and copy all files into
folder - Now Edit
and remove line with/dist
text. - Edit
and replace the MongoDB URI with a real remote MongoDB server. You can create a MongoDB server with Heroku or mLab. - Install the dependencies by running the following command:
npm install
- Now build your app by running one of the following command:
ng build -prod
>> or
ng build -aot -prod
- Run the following command
tsc -p server
- Make a new commit and push the changes to heroku by running the following commands:
git add .
git commit -m "Going to Heroku"
git push heroku master
- Now following command will open with your app inside your browser:
heroku open
Running tests
Run the following command inside your terminal to execute the unit tests via Karma.
npm run test
A huge thanks to all of our contributors:
Mohamed Meabed 💻 📢 |
Zeeshan Ahmad 💻 🐛 |
The code is available under the MIT license.