
katas for the celebred count linux tool

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


katas for the celebred count linux tool

touch file nano file (write some lines...)

Dito 1) print newline, word and byte, in this order

Dito 2) just the newlines

Dito 3) print just the word count

Dito 4) print just the byte count

Dito 5) print just the chars count

Dito 6) print just the words and lines count (lines will ever be printed first, by the order showed in man wc)

Feito 1: wc file

Feito 2: wc -l file

Feito 3: wc -w file

Feito 4: wc -c file

Feito 5: wc -m file

Feito 6: wc -ml file