Pinned issues
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#159 opened by fantasticsoul - 1
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#161 opened by zhangfisher - 1
#155 opened by lioWeb1024 - 3
share 通过ctx调用setState 操作数组新增删除操作数组数据依赖收集无效
#160 opened by HECHONG999 - 2
derive 提示用户依赖需提前声明,否则会照成依赖丢失
#134 opened by HECHONG999 - 2
[question] stopArrDep 具体行为
#156 opened by FairyScript - 1
- 0
[Feature] useLocalAtom
#143 opened by fantasticsoul - 0
[RoadMap] helux-2024 roadmap
#144 opened by fantasticsoul - 0
[❤️ Sponsor] 小小鼓励,给予开发者更多动力
#141 opened by fantasticsoul - 1
derive 派生函数如何捕获状态中可选链的依赖问题(How does the derived function capture the dependency problem of optional chaining in the state?)
#136 opened by HECHONG999 - 1
是否能提供 Perf Benchmark 测试报告?
#139 opened by gavinxgu - 1
[Optimize] merge triggered non-first-level watch if they have same fnKey
#125 opened by fantasticsoul - 1
[FEATURE] 开发一个跟踪调试插件
#137 opened by zhangfisher - 4
[RFC] 为响应式对象更新引入严格模式
#97 opened by zhangfisher - 2
[Feature] lifecycle
#118 opened by fantasticsoul - 1
[提示] 关于死循环检测
#98 opened by fantasticsoul - 2
[BUG] 对share对象的一部分进行 useAtom 访问时,出现意外行为
#116 opened by FairyScript - 1
TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'STATE_SHARED_KEY_MAP' of 't' as it is undefined.
#103 opened by HECHONG999 - 4
[RFC] 提供启用/禁用派出计算的API` enableMutates(true/false)`
#102 opened by zhangfisher - 1
TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'STATE_SHARED_KEY_MAP' of 't' as it is undefined.
#94 opened by HECHONG999 - 7
#63 opened by itmanyong - 4
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虽然小众 但初步用起来真香 类似vuex存储就行 而setup是惊喜分离了数据逻辑
#78 opened by czzonet - 4
【bug】reducer的payload为数组时 数组赋值的同时被展开挂载到根状态上
#83 opened by czzonet - 3
[bug] v2.19.12: react Invalid hook call
#82 opened by czzonet - 2
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#74 opened by itmanyong - 4
#76 opened by geekact - 4
无法与 Next 12.1.0 一起使用
#73 opened by Shunjun - 3
#68 opened by itmanyong - 3
关于 dispatch 的 callback 问题
#70 opened by pawover - 10
关于 state 和 moduleState 的疑问
#67 opened by pawover - 6
[交流] 新状态库,求拍砖
#66 opened by fwh1990 - 3
#64 opened by pawover - 1
#60 opened by 303182519 - 2
#59 opened by NathanBoy - 1
Rebuild the project with Typescript.
#58 opened - 5
#56 opened by zhangwei900808 - 0
#55 opened by itmanyong - 2
- 3
Vite 执行 build tsc 打包编译报错
#53 opened by pawover - 9
#52 opened by itmanyong - 3
Is React Dependency Needed? Is 17v support?
#47 opened by n0isy - 3
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