- 0
Wikipedia Data
#14 opened by webmap2015 - 2
Postgis: 2.1 installed, 2.2 required
#27 opened by Osypchuk - 0
On initial install, the ./utils/setup.php fails ("you need to download the country_osm_grid first")
#25 opened by Piskvor - 0
- 5
- 4
www is missing
#16 opened by frankvandenbergh - 1
Code Improvements
#13 opened by helvalius - 1
Build failure
#6 opened by ruxandra-valcu - 1
Make the baseURL configurable
#7 opened by fungiboletus - 1
Nominatim has moved from automake to cmake
#12 opened by awakse - 1
- 3
Failing with large datasets
#10 opened by trasher - 0
- 3
how to use it for rhel 6?
#1 opened by maraev - 0
Build fails
#4 opened by bisoldi