is a series of experiments in building a stack-based
programming language, starting with Manfred von Thun's Joy language.
What I have today:
- A basic interpreter for an arithmetic language.
- Literals
- Operators
- A basic stdandard library
- Quotations
- Most of the base combinators
- concrete syntax finished and available via main.
What I'm working on next:
- Aggregates
- All combinators (primrec, linrec, binrec, fold, ifte)
- Critical: verify that my stack semantics agree with von Thun's.
- More stdlib (working down this list:
- Named functions
- I/O
- stack operators (newstack, clear, stack, cons, swons, uncons, unswons)
Future directions:
- Documenting a type system for Joy
- Can we encode Joy with a fragment of System F? (rank-2?)
- Type reconstructor applicable to all original Joy programs
- Retargetable compiler
- Compile to C
- Compile to LLVM IR
- Compile to Native code
- Applying Linear types to Joy
- Linear type reconstruction