
ingest the Ousmane dataset

krobasky opened this issue · 5 comments

  • @alexwaldrop please confirm that you have the dictionary that we will be using for this; if not we need to access it somewhow
  • @cmball1 to review what the needs are for ingesting the dictionary

I don't have permission to assign a label, otherwise I would tag this with "HEAL" at Chris Bizon's request.

This will be one of the dictionaries that Ousmane has uncovered and we will parse it without worrying too much about the long term pipeline. The idea here is to have a dictionary indexed in heal for socialization purposes.

Hi @cmball1, hope all is well, today's scrum @gaurav mentioned that Ousmane might some datasets that we could ingest, looking to sync up on the next steps for ingesting those datasets into dug.
(cc: @cbizon )

@YaphetKG I'll email you the data dictionary I have. Not sure about putting them on GitHub publicly right now.

We have SPRINT and BACPAC in the works and are being followed in JIRA (https://renci.atlassian.net/browse/DUG-20)