
FlatUI Colors palette for XCode

MIT LicenseMIT


FlatUI Colors (http://flatuicolors.com/) & (http://www.flatuicolorpicker.com/) palette for use in XCode.

Screenshot ScreenshotExt

How to Install

The following command will download and copy the color file to ~/Library/Colors.

wget -P ~/Library/Colors https://raw.github.com/hemantasapkota/FlatUIColorPaletteXCode/master/FlatUI.clr
wget -P ~/Library/Colors https://raw.github.com/hemantasapkota/FlatUIColorPaletteXCode/master/FlatUIExtended.clr

Restart XCode to start using the palette.

Follow me on twitter: @hemantasapkota and don't forget to star this project.

Thanks @v1n4yjn for contributing to the extended palette.