UG Student, Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University
SAP Labs, Banglore, IndiaChennai, TamilNadu, India
Pinned Repositories
This is a collection of 3 games developed by HEMANTH N. This was developed as a part of annual project in 11th Std. This Project demonstrates Mouse Functions and graphics in C++. Games available are : Hangman, Casino and tictactoe. Don't forget to install Turbo C++ for running the project.
CPU SCHEDULING VISUALISATION - This is an attempt at simulating CPU Scheduling algorithms - FCFS, SJF, RR, Priority Scheduling.
This is a Fake Virus Pranker, developed by HEMANTH N. Bluescreen.dat simulates the bluescreen of death in a system. EA cricket Installer.vbs simulates hacking a computer and endless EA cricket Installer keeps on looping while simulating the hacking process. CAUTION : Do not run the application without sound knowledge of how to close the application without harming the files in computer.
This is a Food Ordering System developed by HEMANTH N, using PHP, JS, HTML, CSS. For testing the project, start the XAMPP server and create a database named Food and import the SQL file food.sql and type localhost/Food in search bar, You can see the project in action.
Repo to maintain my college stuffs semester wise
This Repo contains the work of mine, while learning various Python libraries and working with different modules. All from basics and few small projects are also added.
The semester end project of the course DBMS,
In our comparison model, we simulated the wireless net-work topology for 50nodes and we have analyzed the results carefully which indicate DSDV achieves least End to End Delay while used with any TCP variant, and that AODV with Vegas, DSDV with Reno perform well on respective parameters. The proposed model which we have named Hybrid Reno aims to serve the primary purpose of the achievement of data transmission appropriately implementing congestion control with the medium of a MANET of the cross-layer type. and results, it is inferred that in data link layer, there would be packet traffic since a shared channel is used.
This is a text to speech converter developed by HEMANTH N, that allows the user to hear the text entered by him. The app uses the Service Worker functionality to cache (save) the page so that it works even when you're offline. It uses googleapis , snackbar etc. to allow the user to hear the text entered.
This is a simple Weather Application that provides the user with the weather info. of searched city or place. This Application developed by HEMANTH N, uses 'openweathermap API' for retrieving Weather info of all cities around the globe.
hemanth-07-11's Repositories
This is a collection of 3 games developed by HEMANTH N. This was developed as a part of annual project in 11th Std. This Project demonstrates Mouse Functions and graphics in C++. Games available are : Hangman, Casino and tictactoe. Don't forget to install Turbo C++ for running the project.
This is a Speech to text converter app, developed by HEMANTH N that recognises the speech and converts them to text in English. This is done using JavaScript and it uses webkitSpeechRecognitionEvent
The semester end project of the course DBMS,
This is a simple Weather Application that provides the user with the weather info. of searched city or place. This Application developed by HEMANTH N, uses 'openweathermap API' for retrieving Weather info of all cities around the globe.
This is a simple snake game developed by HEMANTH N, using Javascript during the hands on free online course in udemy on Javascript- develop your first game using Javascript.
This is a simple expense manager (values reset if reloaded). Learnt contexts and component compositions well.
Setting up flutter workspace and installations. Creating a simple calculator app and testing on an android device.
It just wishes the person who enters their name in dialog box.
This is Keylogger that captures keystrokes using system hooks. Developed by HEMANTH N , with assistance of Udemy Course : Build Keylogger using C++
This is a basic application where you can add contacts and fix appointments for the required contacts. ( Just Browser based, no database used, data is lost, once reloaded )
This is a simple Markdown Previewer built by HEMANTH N , as a part of FreeCodeCamp Certification Course, using JavaScript,HTML,CSS.
This is a Personal Expense Tracker developed by HEMANTH N ,using PHP that allows you track your expenses. This personal Expense Tracker stores all the expense entered by the user, into the database and creates a statistical report on demand from the user. To run the project, Install XAMPP , and start the apache and in phpmyadmin , create a databse mtrack and import the sql file uploaded here. You can type localhost/mtrack and view the project in action.
This is a simple Piano Simulator developed by HEMANTH N, using JavaScript, HTML, CSS. Use Keyboard/ Mouse to play .
This is a Pomodoro Clock build duirng FreeCodeCamp certification Course, by HEMANTH N, using JavaScript, HTML & CSS. There is a small issue with the clock, if possible help me with it. Thanks.
This is a Quote Generator application that is powered by forismatic API/JSON GET Requests, and is developed by HEMANTH N, as part of FreeCodeCamp Certifcation Courses.
Just a client side application. Redux used in this simple application for managing states, at the client side.
This is a simple client side todo with no backend work. Uses React and Redux. It was created following a Tutorial. Using this users can add mark as complete, remove a todo.
Have to insert project Description
This is Report Card Management System, developed by HEMANTH N, in C++ language useful for storing reports of students in a school. Have Turbo C++ Installed for using this.
This is a Scientific Calculator developed for FreeCodeCamp Certification Course, by HEMANTH N using Javascript, HTML & CSS, with coding for calculator done in JavaScript.
This is a simple skeleton design to boost the UX. A skeleton UI resembles the page’s actual UI, so users will understand how quickly the web or mobile app will load even before the content has shown up.
This is a Simple Tennis Game developed by Hemanth N, using Javascript . This was developed during the hands-on free course in Javascript Game Development - Udemy : Arcade -Develop your first game
This is a tictactoe game that is played between computer and human. This Project developed by HEMANTH,N. has used JAVASCRIPT , HTML , CSS.
This is a Weather Forecast Application developed by HEMANTH N, which gives the forecast for 5 days in the searched city. This Application uses 'openweathermap API' for data & icons regarding weather