
Develop a vendor management system using django and django REST framework. This system will handle vendor profiles, track purchase orders and calculate vendor performance metrics

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Django REST API Setup

This repository contains a Django project with a RESTful API using Django REST Framework.


  • Python (version 3.x recommended)
  • Django
  • Django REST Framework

Setup Instructions

Create a Virtual Environment:

  • pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
  • mkvirualenv environmentname

Install Dependencies:

  • pip install django
  • pip install djangorestframework

Set up a new project with a single application

  • django-admin startproject Vendor
  • cd Vendor
  • django-admin startapp Vendor_App

Database migration

  • python manage.py makemigrations
  • python manage.py migrate

Superuser creation and Token generation

Running the server

  • python manage.py runserver

Access Django Admin:

Open the Django admin at and log in using the superuser credentials. this is to access the database as a admin user.

how to run a api endpoint:

  • first we need to make sure that we migrated the models to database
  • then we need to start the server using "python manage.py runserver" command.
  • then we need to open another cmd prompt and open virtual environment and open the project folder and provide curl or httpie commands.

Testing or Using the API endpoints.

  • we can test API endpoints using curl or httpie commands.

Create a vendor:

using curl:

  • curl -H "Authorization: Token your_obtained_token" -X POST -d "vendor_code=01&name=Vendor+1&contact_details=Contact+1&address=Address+1"

using httpie:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint is used to create a vendor by providing the vendor details.

List all Vendors details:

using curl:

using httpie:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint is used to get the details of all vendors.

Retrieve a specific vendor's details:

using curl:

using httpie:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint is used to get the details of vendor with vendor_id which was mentioned in the command.

Update a vendor's details:

using curl:

PUT method:

PATCH method:

using httpie:

PUT method:

PATCH method:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint we have two commands with different http methods (PUT,PATCH).As we have a primary key in the model the PUT method works as POST method (which means it creates a new vendor with given details). The PATCH method is used to update the vendor's details except vendor's id. here PUT handles updates by replacing the entire entity, so it creates a new entity. but where the PATCH handles by only updating the given fields.

Delete a vendor:

using curl:

using httpie:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint is used to delete the vendor with given vendor_id.

Create a purchase_order:

using curl:

  • curl -H "Authorization: Token your_obtained_token" -X POST -d "po_number=01&vendor=01&order_date=2023-01-01T12:00:00&delivery_date=2023-01-10T12:00:00&items=[{"item_name":"Item 1","quantity": 10 },{"item_name": 10 }]&quality_rating=4.5&issue_date=2023-01-01T12:00:00&status=updated&acknowledgment_date=2023-01-02T12:00:00"

using httpie:

  • http POST po_number="01" vendor=01 order_date="2023-01-01" delivery_date="2023-01-10" items='[{"item_name": 20 }]' quality_rating=4.5 issue_date="2023-01-01" status="Pending" acknowledgment_date="2023-01-02" "Authorization: Token your_obtained_token"

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint is used to create a purchase_order with given details.

List all purchase_orders details:

using curl:

using httpie:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint is used to get the details of all purchase_orders.

Retrieve a specific purchase_order's details:

using curl:

using httpie:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint is used to get the details of purchase_order with given po_id.

Update a purchase_order's details:

using curl:

PUT method:

  • curl -H "Authorization: Token your_obtained_token" -X PUT{po_id}/ -d "po_number=updatedno&vendor=updatedvno&order_date=2023-01-02T12:00:00&delivery_date=2023-01-15T12:00:00&items=[{"item_name": 10 },{"item_name":10}]&quality_rating=5&issue_date=2023-01-01T12:00:00&status=updated&acknowledgment_date=2023-01-01T12:00:00"

PATCH method:

using httpie:

PUT method:

  • http PUT{po_id}/ po_number="UpdatedPO001" vendor="updatedid" order_date="2023-01-02T12:00:00" delivery_date="2023-01-15T12:00:00" items:='[{"item_name": 20 }]' quality_rating:=4.8 issue_date="2023-01-01" status="updated" acknowledgment_date="2023-01-02" "Authorization: Token your_obtained_token"

PATCH method:

  • http PATCH{po_id}/ order_date="2023-01-02T12:00:00" delivery_date="2023-01-15T12:00:00" items:='[{"item_name": "Updated Item", "quantity": 20 }]' quality_rating:=4.8 status="updated" "Authorization: Token your_obtained_token"

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint we have two commands with different http methods (PUT,PATCH).As we have a primary key in the model the PUT method works as POST method (which means it creates a new purchase_order with given details). The PATCH method is used to update the purchase_order's details except purchase_order's number. here PUT handles updates by replacing the entire entity, so it creates a new entity. but where the PATCH handles by only updating the given fields.(we can provide any no of fields in PATCH mathod.)

Delete a purchase_order:

using curl:

using httpie:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint is used to delete a purchase_order with given po_id.

Retrieve a vendor's performance metrics:

using curl:

using httpie:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint is used to retrieve the performance metrics of a vendor with given vendor_id. this performance metrics contains on_time Delivery rate, quality rating average, average response time, fulfilment rate
  • On time delivery rate is calculated each time a PO status changes to "completed". this is the average of no of po delivered before the delivery_date and no of total po's delivered.
  • quality rating average is calculated after every po completion and it is the average of all ratings given to that specific vendor.
  • average response time is calculated each time a po is acknowledged by the vendor. it is the time difference between issue_date and acknowledgment_date for each po, and then the average of these times for all po's of the vendor.
  • fulfillment rate is calculated when po status is set to "completed". this is the average of no of successfully fulfilled pos (status = "completed" without issues) by the total no of pos issued to the vendor.

Update acknowledgment_data and trigger the recalculation of average_response_time:

using curl:

using httpie:

About this API endpoint:

  • here this endpoint is used to acknowledge the purchase_order with given po_id and trigger the recalculation of average_reponse_time.