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Paper: Polarity Calibration for Opinion Summarization
Accepted: The 2024 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL 2024)
Authors: Yuanyuan Lei, Kaiqiang Song, Sangwoo Cho, Xiaoyang Wang, Ruihong Huang, Dong Yu
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Task Description

The paper works on opinion summarization task. Opinion summarization enables automatically generating a summary from a large volume of opinions, reviews, or subjective text. The challenge of opinion summarization lies in presenting diverse or even conflicting opinions. This paper experiments on two types of opinion summarization tasks: summarizing product reviews that contain both positive and negative opinions, and summarizing multiple political articles that hold liberal or conservative political stances.

Dataset Description

We evaluate our approach using two datasets, each focusing on different types of opinions:

Model Generated Summaries

We release the generated summaries from different models:

  • generated_summary_AmaSum: the generated summaries on AmaSum dataset

    • test_file_names: the list of test file names, the model generated summaries are listed in the same order as this list
    • base_summarizer_flan_t5_large: the generated summaries from our base summarizer
    • calibrated_summarizer_PoCa: the generated summaries from our calibrated summarizer after polarity calibration (PoCa)
    • lexrank: the generated summaries from LexRank model
    • copycat: the generated summaries from CopyCat model
    • bimeanave_avg: the generated summaries from BiMeanVAE-average model
    • bimeanave_coop: the generated summaries from BiMeanVAE-COOP model
    • qt: the generated summaries from QT model
    • semae: the generated summaries from SemAE model
    • hercules_abstractive: the generated summaries from Hercules abstractive summarization model
    • hercules_extractive: the generated summaries from Hercules extractive summarization model
    • gpt_35_turbo: the generated summaries from gpt-3.5-turbo model
    • gpt_4: the generated summaries from gpt-4 model
  • generated_summary_NeuS: the generated summaries on NeuS dataset

    • test_data: the test set, the model generated summaries are listed in the order of test_0, test_1, ..., test_306
    • base_summarizer_flan_t5_large: the generated summaries from our base summarizer
    • calibrated_summarizer_PoCa: the generated summaries from our calibrated summarizer after polarity calibration (PoCa)
    • lexrank: the generated summaries from LexRank model
    • bart_large: the generated summaries from BART-large baseline
    • pegasus_large: the generated summaries from Pegasus-large baseline
    • gpt_35_turbo: the generated summaries from gpt-3.5-turbo model
    • gpt_4: the generated summaries from gpt-4 model

Code Description

  • base_summarizer_AmaSum: the code for training our base summarizer on AmaSum dataset
  • base_summarizer_NeuS: the code for training our base summarizer on NeuS dataset
  • polarity_calibration_AmaSum: the code for training our calibrated summarizer (PoCa) on AmaSum dataset
  • polarity_calibration_NeuS: the code for training our calibrated summarizer (PoCa) on NeuS dataset


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Yuanyuan Lei, Kaiqiang Song, Sangwoo Cho, Xiaoyang Wang, Ruihong Huang, and Dong Yu. 2024. Polarity Calibration for Opinion Summarization. In Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 5211–5224, Mexico City, Mexico. Association for Computational Linguistics.

    title = "Polarity Calibration for Opinion Summarization",
    author = "Lei, Yuanyuan  and
      Song, Kaiqiang  and
      Cho, Sangwoo  and
      Wang, Xiaoyang  and
      Huang, Ruihong  and
      Yu, Dong",
    editor = "Duh, Kevin  and
      Gomez, Helena  and
      Bethard, Steven",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
    month = jun,
    year = "2024",
    address = "Mexico City, Mexico",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "5211--5224",
    abstract = "Opinion summarization is automatically generating summaries from a variety of subjective information, such as product reviews or political opinions. The challenge of opinions summarization lies in presenting divergent or even conflicting opinions. We conduct an analysis of previous summarization models, which reveals their inclination to amplify the polarity bias, emphasizing the majority opinions while ignoring the minority opinions. To address this issue and make the summarizer express both sides of opinions, we introduce the concept of polarity calibration, which aims to align the polarity of output summary with that of input text. Specifically, we develop a reinforcement training approach for polarity calibration. This approach feeds the polarity distance between output summary and input text as reward into the summarizer, and also balance polarity calibration with content preservation and language naturality. We evaluate our Polarity Calibration model (PoCa) on two types of opinions summarization tasks: summarizing product reviews and political opinions articles. Automatic and human evaluation demonstrate that our approach can mitigate the polarity mismatch between output summary and input text, as well as maintain the content semantic and language quality.",