
TestNG data provider libraries to read from csv and excel(xlsx and xls)

Primary LanguageJava


TestNG data provider library to read from csv and excel(xlsx and xls)


Assuming that the CSV is defined as below with name random_comma_seperated_value.csv

public Object[][] csvDataRead() throws Exception {
  String path = "src/test/resources/random_comma_seperated_value.csv";
  ExtUtils ext = new CSVUtils(path);
  return ext.parseData();

If it has column names, we need to skip the first row read.

public Object[][] csvDataRead() throws Exception {
  String path = "src/test/resources/random_comma_seperated_value.csv";
  ExtUtils ext = new CSVUtils(path, true);
  return ext.parseData();

XLSX TestNG Data Provider

public Object[][] excelSheetDataRead() throws Exception {
    ExtUtils ext = new ExcelUtils("src/test/resources/workbookName.xlsx");
      Using custom_sheet_name
      ExtUtils ext = new ExcelUtils("src/test/resources/workbookName.xlsx","custom_sheet_name");
    return ext.parseData();

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