Important note :
- The tests were written on MAC OSX with chromedriver version compatible with browser version.
- If the tests do not run, update the chromedriver version and the browser version to the latest.
- Chromedriver executable is available in src/test/resources
JDK 1.8
- Build management : Gradle
- Unit testing : TestNG
- Language : Java
- Lint checks : Spotbugs, Checkstyle
- UI Testing Framework : Selenium Webdriver
- To run the tests
Setup the selenium server ( Executable available in src/test/resources/ )
java -jar selenium-server-4.1.1.jar standalone
./gradlew clean test -Dhub=hubAddress
Example, By default,
./gradlew clean test -Dhub=localhost:4444
- To run the lint checks
./gradlew clean check -x test
The report will be generated under build/reports/checkstyle
The report will be generated under build/reports/spotbugs
Add the Jenkinsfile script to your Jenkins pipeline with the selenium-server binaries installed.