Developed a high-performance food ordering app using React, Tailwind, React Router and Redux-toolkit leveraging Swiggy’s Live API to deliver real-time data to users.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ways to add css in React

  • Add css in index.css file
  • scss sass (not recommended way)
  • styled component
  • Using library and framework(like materialUI,bootstrap,Tailwind,ChakraUI,ant Design) => Get prebuild styled


  • No need to move from file to other
  • Light weight(When parcel buddle the code it will use include only those style which is required)
  • If we want to add to much CSS then code become ugly

Redux toolkit

  • install @reduxjs/toolkit and react-redux
  • Build our redux store => We will create redux store in util folder
  • Connect store to our App => We can connect our app using in App.js
  • Slice (cartSlice)
  • dispatch(action)
  • selector