Project Goal

To make an API to fetch latest videos sorted in reverse chronological order of their publishing date-time from YouTube for a given tag/search query in a paginated response.

Functioning of Project

  • GET API: / renders an Bootstrapped Dashboard showing all the videos of our predefined Search (defined in .env as football by default).
  • Dashboard Consist of Sorting, Pagination and Filtering of videos on the basis of Published Date and Title.
  • API fetching videos asynchronously in background every 20 seconds (you can change time interval from .env file)
  • GET API: /videos returns videos in JSON format per page.
  • GET API: /videos also support searching of data using advanced filter of videos like /videos?q={Search_Text}&sortBy={Sort_Filter}&page={Page_Number}
  • Optimised search api, able to search videos containing partial match for the search query in either video title or description. (used mongoose-fuzzy-searching for this case)

How to Run Project

  1. Cloning the project on your machine

    • git clone
  2. Create a .env file on root directory, read reference below for YT API and MONGO_URI

    • PORT = 3000
      YT_SEARCH = football
      NODE_ENV = development
  3. Run command for installing project dependencies mentioned in package.json

    • npm install
  4. To run application on local use command

  5. Dockerized Project

    • Make sure to update key references of envirnoment variables as per defined in your .env to docker-compose.yml file.

    • Run the following command for:

      • starting container docker-compose up -d
      • stopping container docker-compose down
