
针对 CVE-2020-7699 的复现,软件安全原理课程大作业

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CVE-2020-7699 Reproduction

Reproduction for Node.js RCE vulnerability(CVE-2020-7699), my lab work


Node.js edition: v14.16.1, please make sure that the edition of Node.js is 14(Other edition will propably work, I didn't test)

Python edition:3.9.5, Python is only used to send HTTP attack request, no specific edition required

Just clone the repo, npm i to install dependencies. I offered 2 more cmds:

  • using npm run start-server to start the target server(victim server)
  • using npm run launch-attack to launch the attack


express-fileUpload: edition below 1.1.10 will be affected

In express-fileUpload exists prototype pollution

Vulnerability: express-fileUpload prototype pollution

How to make use of it: to pollute __proto__.outputFunctionName in order to write the cmd to exec. eg. echo "ATTACK SUCCESSFUL" > attacked.txt

exec_command = "echo \"ATTACK SUCCESSFUL\" > attacked.txt"

    "__proto__.outputFunctionName": (

In ejs exists RCE

Vulnerability: ejs will try to execute xxx.outputFunctionName which is undefined, but if object.outputFunctionName is polluted, it'll exec it instead