

Primary LanguageHTMLCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Netlify Status


The Gatsby and markdown source for my blog, http://yetanotherchris.dev (also anotherchris.net redirects there and probably will for the next 5 years)

Working locally

  1. Install Node JS
  2. npm install -g yarn
  3. yarn install
  4. yarn global add gatsby-cli
  5. Check the command gatsby works. If you're on Windows and it doesn't, try this
  6. gatsby build or gatsby develop

Images reside in the static folder, markdown in the content/blog folder. The template has a few foibles, such as its assets folder being in two place which I'm yet to figure out.

The resume source is in /resume and the skimmed down version can be found in the static folder. The resume doesn't work in Gatsby's develop mode due to a known bug with 2.0.