A distributed event bus, inspired by the Abp event bus, can trigger events across applications. Based on publish / subscribe mode, the message can be passed through redis, rabbitmq, kafka and so on. You can also very easily implement your own way by implementing the specified interface. Support in console and web applications.
var eventDate = new RemoteEventData("Type_Test")
Data ={["playload"]=DateTime.Now}
remoteEventBus.Publish("Topic_Test", eventDate);
[RemoteEventHandler(ForType = "Type_Test", ForTopic = "Topic_Test")]
public class RemoteEventHandler : IRemoteEventHandler, ITransientDependency
public void HandleEvent(RemoteEventArgs eventArgs)
Logger.Info("receive " + eventArgs.EventData.Data["playload"]);
public class DemoModule : AbpModule
public override void Initialize()
public override void PostInitialize()
// use kafka
Configuration.Modules.RemoteEventBus().UseKafka().Configure((setting) =>
setting.Properties.Add("bootstrap.servers", "");
setting.Properties.Add("group.id", "App-Test");
// enable auto subscribe
// will scan class which use RemoteEventHandlerAttribute and auto subscribe topic base the attribute info
public class DemoModule : AbpModule
public override void Initialize()
public override void PostInitialize()
// use rabbitmq
Configuration.Modules.RemoteEventBus().UseRabbitMQ().Configure(setting =>
//setting.Url = "amqp://guest:guest@";
// enable auto subscribe
// will scan class which use RemoteEventHandlerAttribute and auto subscribe topic base the attribute info
public class DemoModule : AbpModule
public override void Initialize()
public override void PostInitialize()
// use redis
Configuration.Modules.RemoteEventBus().UseRedis().Configure((setting) =>
setting.Server = "";
// enable auto subscribe
// will scan class which use RemoteEventHandlerAttribute and auto subscribe topic base the attribute info