
A multi-purpose library for decrypting Profile.save and other data, as well as making valid requests to NK's server

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repo contains 3 parts

  2. NK's Profile.save
  3. NK's sigs and nonces


for a npm project simply use

npm i nksku

Documentation - Table of Contents

Credit where credit is due

DGDATA code was from this npm package before it became a rickroll

Profile.save decryption was heavily referenced from averysumener's c++ Profile.save thingy and BowDown097's provided c# code. This would not have been possible without them.

sig and nonce formulas would not be available would not have been possible without Woob and Coral#0762

DGDATA - Data Scheme

How to use

Primitively, you can just fetch the url

const nksku = require('nksku');
const url = "https://";

request(url, { encoding: null }, (err, res, body) => {
    if (err) {
        // handle error code
    let decodedBody = nksku.dgdata.decode(body).toString('utf-8');
    let json = JSON.parse(decodedBody);

Ripped off documentation for DGDATA

(Formerly known as NKTools)


Converts an array of bytes to text


  • array
  • An array array of utf-8 bytes

Returns string A string


Converts a string to a utf-8 array


  • str
  • A str string

Returns Array Returns an array of numbers


Decodes a string or array of DGData Arrays work best, as strings loose data due to utf-8 / unicode


  • data
  • This data is the data to be decoded

Returns string This is the result of the data


Encodes a string of data


  • data
  • Data data to be encoded

Returns array An array of bytes


Encodes a number - You really shouldn't have to deal with this


  • number
  • The number number to be encoded

Returns number The result


Hashes some data - You really shouldn't have to deal with this unless you want to manually verify the program


  • data
  • Some data data - it's a string

Returns array An array of bytes




just some standard stuff, did something a bit different using promisify in this example

const { nksave } = require('nksku');
const fs = require('fs');

const { promisify } = require('util');
const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile);

async function main() {
    let bytes = await readFile('./path/to/Profile.save', null);
    let json = nksave.unpack(bytes);
    // log it, write to file, etc


similar to above example

const { nksave } = require('nksku');
const fs = require('fs');

const { promisify } = require('util');
const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile);
const writeFile = promisify(fs.readFile);

async function main() {
    let bytes = await readFile('./path/to/editedfile.json', null);
    let encoded = nksave.pack(bytes);
    await writeFile('./path/to/Profile.save', encoded);



Decrypts a given Buffer of an NK save file


  • bytes
  • A Buffer of the Profile.save file

Returns string string containing the decrypted text in Profile.save


Encrypts a given Buffer the same way as NK encrypts its Profile.save Parameters

Returns Buffer buffer to write data to a .save file

signatures and nonces

For manual generation of sig see https://signonce.netlify.app/


const { signonce } = require('nksku');

// generate a nonce
let nonce = signonce.generate64BitNonce();

// signature finder

// example 1: let it generate from a string
let obj = '{}';
let sig = signonce.sign(obj, nonce);

// example 1.5: let it generate w/o a nonce, used for validating responses
let obj = '{}';
let sig = signonce.sign(obj);

// example 2: sign from an obj
let obj = {};
let sig = signonce.sign(obj, nonce);

// example 2.5: let it generate w/o a nonce, used for validating responses
let obj = {};
let sig = signonce.sign(obj);

// example 3: sign from a whole request (probably for checking)
let obj = {
    data: '{}',
    auth: {
        session: null,
        appID: 11,
        skuID: 35,
        device: 'vrej'
    sig: 'dc1027f28bc1ba12f6ef770588cdd1f4',
    nonce: '6129188331007147111'
let sig = signonce.sign(obj); // undefined nonce = use object's nonce

// example 4: same as example 3 but for some reason u put in a nonce
let obj = {
    data: '{}',
    auth: {
        session: null,
        appID: 11,
        skuID: 35,
        device: 'vrej'
    sig: 'dc1027f28bc1ba12f6ef770588cdd1f4',
    nonce: '6129188331007147111'
let nonce = obj.nonce;
let sig = signonce.sign(obj, nonce);


./nk-server-code contains NK's actual server code (not all of them, and not in correct folder structure)