- 0
heroic games launcher
#37 opened by kittenvr - 0
- 0
mod helper wont work
#35 opened by bodieltpaw - 0
Game crashes when i try to place custom towers
#34 opened by 616-com - 0
game launches melon loader console and main game but crashes when trying to load mods folder
#33 opened by amp278484 - 0
- 1 is corrupt(?)
#30 opened by mememachine5050 - 1
game crashes while "clearing old map visuals"
#25 opened by togie777 - 0
i cant find my map
#29 opened by Minepro306 - 2
random error when launching btd6
#26 opened by tkosah - 1
- 1
Melon Loader throwing an exception. Followed the steps exactly as shown on
#27 opened by Arpitpatel1771 - 0
Game resets progress
#24 opened by userwhoplaysbtd6 - 2
- 0
Alternating Icon
#17 opened by askittle123 - 1
Btd6ModHelper.dll file isn't working
#20 opened by Obug9000 - 1
#21 opened by opperwopper - 0
- 1
Melon Loader has malware
#16 opened by NinjaStarMC - 1
Allow use of mods in Odyssey
#11 opened by laonglaan100