
web-based tool for generating svg images of square 1 configurations

Primary LanguageJavaScript


server for generating square 1 diagrams


The server generates images given an algorithm

https://square1.vercel.app/svg?algorithm= will give you a square as the algorithm is blank

e.g. https://square1.vercel.app/svg?algorithm=/(3,0)/ gives



attach &d=true at the end of the url

e.g. https://square1.vercel.app/svg?algorithm=/(3,0)/&d=true


it does not display permutations that on the final move are not slashable (e.g. /(3,0)/(2,0)) EDIT: fixed

it displays it like this


  • displays non-sliceable orientations if it becomes non-sliceable on last move
  • custom rotation of diagram
  • custom whether pieces on bottom layer should be "looking from bottom"(current) to "see-through the cube"
  • implement coloring
  • themes?
  • download as PNG instead?