
Boilerplate for a React/Redux/Webpack project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Boilerplate for a React, Redux, and WebPack/Babel app. There is no data layer set up.

After cloning, run yarn install

To start: yarn start

To build a production version in /dist, yarn build

Styles are run through LESS. Add each .import.less file to src/config/less/main.less


The app has react-router installed, but it is easy to remove if necessary:

  • Remove <LayoutRouter /> from AppLayout.jsx and replace with the SPA.
  • Remove layout/Navbar/ - it is no longer necessary.
  • Remove config/RouterLinks.jsx

Routing and S3

To make the routing work elegantly, you need to set up a server side redirect to index.hmtl for each route. If you host the app on S3, you'll have to do thit by (hijacking 404's with Cloudfront)[http://aserafin.pl/2016/03/23/react-router-on-amazon-s3/].


Less has a single entry point (unless you split it up, which is a good idea) in AppContainer.jsx. Every .less file should be imported into config/less/main.less. This way none of the individual LESS files need to worry about importing variables, etc., as long as files are imported into main.less in the correct order.

Code Splitting

Code splitting is done with (react-loadable)[https://github.com/jamiebuilds/react-loadable]. All of the loaders are stored in src/loaders/, so that they can easily be called from any component.

The current setup splits along routes (there's nothing else to split), but it works for components too.

  • You may want to increase splitChunks.minSize; it's set to 100 to get the boilerplate code to split


This is injected through WebPack, so add a favicon.ico to the images directory and uncomment the corresponding line in both webpack.dev.js and webpack.prod.js.

Static files

Any files you do not want run through the webpack build process should go in src/static.