This package is formed by the following files: . ├── axiom │ ├── categories.vim │ ├── domains.vim │ ├── operations.vim │ └── packages.vim ├── README.axiom ├── axiom.vim └── pamphlet.vim These files provide syntax highlighting for axiom files. Since there are a lot of commands, domains, etc, their syntax definition is saved in separated files so that the user can choose which fields have to be highlighted. These files are sourced by the main file, if they are not commented. Colors can be changed to your taste at the end of axiom.vim The files should be copied in your ~/.vim/syntax directory; after this, to have syntax highlight in *.input and *.spad files, just add to your ~/.vimrc file the line au BufNewFile,BufRead *.input *.spad exe "source ~/.vim/syntax/axiom.vim" For pamphlet file, you can have both latex highlight in latex text and axiom highlight in the "chunk" environment by adding au BufRead,BufNewFile *.pamphlet setfiletype tex au BufRead,BufNewFile *.pamphlet exe "source ~/.vim/syntax/pamphlet.vim" to your ~/.vimrc file.