
A collection of scripts for downloading, processing, and visualising magnetic field data

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Miscellaneous magnetometry scripts

How to use these scripts

  1. Clone this repository and navigate to it, e.g.:
git clone https://github.com/hemmelig/misc-magnetometry
cd misc-magnetometry
  1. Create a virtual environment and install the required dependencies. I use conda to create environments:
conda create --name magnetometry python=3.9
conda install obspy
conda install numpy
conda install matplotlib
conda install requests
  1. Each script can be run with the command-line argument -h to see an overview of the required and optional arguments. For example, navigate into the data_access dir and run:
python download_from_iris.py -h

To download, for example, one day of data from the magnetometer at Okmok (OKBR) and save it in the current working directory, one would use the following:

python download_from_iris.py --archive_path . --network AV --station OKBR --starttime 2023-03-12 --endtime 2023-03-13

I have used the ObsPy package, since I am most familiar with this for reading/writing/manipulating time-series data.

The script for downloading data from the Edinburgh GIN is only tested for downloading 1-minute data from the global magnetometer network site at Shumagin. Mileage may vary.