
A simple extractor for the GHCN-Daily dataset .dly files into CSV or dict format.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A simple extractor for the GHCN-Daily dataset .dly files into CSV or dict format. It also enables filtering by time period ranges (in years), country and state/province if they are relevant to the countries in question and individual observation stations. This filtering is practical as the GHCND .dly dataset is very large (2 1/2 gb in compressed format as of early 2016).


If you just want to perform a quick extraction to CSV, then you should use dailytocsv.py or monthlytocsv.py. These two command line utilities are feature a full suite of keyword arguments for refined usage.

Suppose you have downloaded the ghcnd_all archive and extracted it to a folder on your desktop. Now you want to see the observations for Lakhurst, NJ, USA on Christmas Day for as long as the US Weather Service has been taking measurements there. The station ID is "USW00014780". Note that the script will take a few minutes to run, even when filtering to a single station.

dailytocsv.py -c us -s nj -t USW00014780 -g /Users/davidstocker/Documents/Desktop -f LakehurstOnChristmas.csv

Below is a full accounting of the arguments used by both utilities.

Short Arg Long Arg Single/Multiple Description
-v --csv Single The csv seperator. In the US, this is
typically a comma and in Europe is
is a semicolon. Default is comma.
-o --oldyear Single The earliest possible dataset year that
can be read (if data is available).
-y --youngyear Single The latest possible dataset year that
can be read (if data is available).
-g --ghcnfolder Single The location of the ghcn_all folder, if
it is not a sibling of this script.
-c --country Multiple One or more country codes, for country
data to be extracted.
-s --state Multiple One or more state (or province) codes,
if individual states within a
country are to be filtered.
-m --month Multiple One or more months (as numbers), if the
user wishes to restrict the results
to particular months.
-d --day Multiple One or more days (as numbers), if the
user wishes to restrict the results
to particular days of the month.
-t --station Multiple One or more reporting stations, if the
user wishes to filter the results
to particular stations.
-f --fileloc Single Output filename. Defaults to
dhcndData.csv if no argument supplied.

#Using ghcndextractor

If you want to use the ghcndextractor directly, so that you can use the results elsewhere, it is also fairly easy to use. There are couple of concepts to understand first:

+Everything has a read stage and a get stage.

+There is a method, readStationsFile(),to read the stations from ghcnd-stations.txt into an internal data structure. Its get counterpart is getCSVStationMetaData(). This returns a list of strings in CSV format.

+The method to read the .dly files into memory is readDailyFiles().

+There are several get methods for the data, once it is memory. They are getDailyDataCSV(), getDailyData(), getMonthlyDataCSV() and getMonthlyCSV().

+Certain variables - some filter settings and the location of the ghcnd_all folder - keep getting re-used repeatedly. These are stored as global variables in the ghcndextractor module itself. You set them directly.

+Some - such as the month, day and station name filters - are set directly at execution. In general, if a filter is used during read, it is a module variable. If the filter is used at get time, it uses method parameters. This allows you to perform one read and then pull slices out of memory.

##Example Usage

To manually aquire the data from our example above, we'll do the following.

  1. Import the ghcndextractor module.
  2. Set the country and state filters. Both are lists of strings.
  3. Set the location of the ghcnd_all folder
  4. Read the station metadata
  5. Read the .dly files containing NJ.
  6. Get all December 25 readings from station USW00014780 (well'll do this as a CSV and as a list of dicts)
from ghcndextractor import ghcndextractor

#set global filters (we will not filter by year)
ghcndextractor.countries = ["US"]
ghcndextractor.states = ["NJ"]     

ghcndextractor.ghcnFolder = "/Users/davidstocker/Documents/Desktop"   
dayCSV = ghcndextractor.getDailyDataCSV(["12"], ["25"], ["USW00014780"])
dayDictList= ghcndextractor.getDailyData(["12"], ["25"], ["USW00014780"])